Entertaining the reader is a good function.

Girls together getting dressed up can be really good fun.

I want to make good, fun films, not necessarily experimental ones.

Sherlock being the most prevalent, and they've been really good fun.

My memories of Australian cricket are it was an environment of good fun.

I do like to shock and surprise people. When it's all in good fun, of course.

Touring with Iggy Pop was something to do. It was good fun. I got drunk a lot.

My relationship in the past with alcohol has been both good fun and unhealthy.

The whole business of getting famous was good fun, but it was a long time ago.

It's enormously good fun. I love it. I really do. I have this sort of set face.

It's good fun, yes, but when we play, we take it seriously and want to do well.

Working on 'X Men,' I got to do a lot of flying and fighting, which was good fun.

I once did a flip-flop joke in San Diego, and I got booed... but it's all in good fun.

A good funeral gets the dead where they need to go and the living where they need to be.

I thought The Visitation was good fun. We did some of that filming at Ealing on the big set.

Despite football being my job, it's also good fun and it's a way that children enjoy themselves.

I have been blessed with a good, fun, and wonderful life, but I've also seen a whole lot of pain.

For the most part, pianos are female to me. Sometimes they're dykes, and they're always good fun.

Songs don't just come out of the air. They take time, but it's good fun, too. Maurice gave me encouragement.

We love the 'Britain's Got Talent' process, we love interacting and responding with the public, it's just good fun.

'Jingle Belle' spins out of my love for just sitting down and reading a good, fun Sunday morning comic strip panel.

I think no matter what, science can provide a force for good, fundamentally. Over time, like all things, it's open to abuse.

I like a good fun chick-lit book as much as I like historical fiction, mysteries, or biographies, I like to be well-rounded!

I spend six months of the year on cruises. Travelling the world with your mates, it's such good fun and I hope that comes across.

My wife is a fantastic traveller. She's good fun and very optimistic. Even if things get bad, she's good at seeing the light side.

Painting is really good fun, I have always enjoyed it. As long as I paint what I want with the freedom that I enjoy, I never tire.

My preference is swimming in the sea. I find the sea is more liberating, wild and good fun rather than plodding up and down a pool.

I don't wear bright orange clothes or leopard skin boots, but it was really good fun to play someone that does and have an excuse too!

I like playing video games, so I spend a lot of relaxation doing that, and I live in a big house with a pool, so that is also good fun.

'Preacher' - what it's saying is not just blasphemy and good, fun violence. It's asking, 'Where is God?' If he is there, what's he doing?

I think there's always a line between what is parody in good fun in chanting and what is intended to belittle certain segments of society.

I wish someone had got hold of me and said, 'You know, children are really good fun. You will have a fantastic time, and you will still work.'

I enjoyed showing a bit more leg in the last few stories. It was good fun, but it can be quite sexist. But it doesn't worry me personally all that much.

Nothing I do is by design. It's always the result of a happy accident. I didn't have a career plan. It has just become the way it is. It's all good fun.

Nearly all the things I do that are of any merit at all start off just being good fun, and I think I'm sort of building up to doing something else quite soon.

We play a long show, and you can't beat yourself up too much over it, as physically you just kill yourself. It was always good fun on the road and it still is.

'La Cage' has got a broad appeal. It obviously appeals to the gay community, but it's also a good, fun show that appeals across a broad audience, a great big mixture.

I'm not trying to find another thing that's wrong with me, but I'm such a nice person, and I have a couple of drinks and I'm really good fun and then I'm really not fun.

Acting's the best job there is. Pretending to be someone you're not is good fun. It's also a non-ageist profession, and you get to work all over the world with people you admire.

It's all good fun - television and movies and so on - but the good thing in theatre is there's nothing and no one between you and the audience so you can do what you want really.

You either end up on a good, fun show that's successful, or you have that question mark in your future, and you know that you don't know what's going to happen, which is exciting.

It's good fun, making a solo album, because there's perhaps songs that wouldn't get used for the Stones or any other kind of outfit that I'm working with. It's just nice to be the boss.

They are always telling us that Carolina Blue is not a color, that it is really Columbia blue or sky blue. But there is no bad blood amongst the teammates. All of our kidding is in good fun.

Although there were only about 24 episodes made it seems to run forever. They take a couple of episodes and put them together, making a feature film once in a while. I had good fun making the series.

I love doing YouTube. That's where my heart is, and so it makes me sad when I can't put a good, fun, energetic video out, because that's what I love to do - and that's my passion. And that's who I am.

There are some great skinny girls, but it's about characters, isn't it? That's what I find attractive. People who've had interesting lives and tell you something that you don't know or are really good fun.

If somebody needed a guitar player for a tour and I was free and it was the right situation, I'd do it and it would be good fun. There would be much less pressure if I just had to stand there and play leads.

I used to do bell ringing in Benenden church. It was really good fun, actually. My best friend's dad was the local vicar, and so it was expected as her best friend that I would go to church every Sunday with her.

I'd always thought the Rats were good fun, but one of the very nice things about being of Saga age is that I can actually look back and think, When I was younger I was in a great band. It was always a collective thing.

It will be good fun finding out what sport baby's good at; perhaps it will be something obscure. My parents were fantastic at taking me to training sessions and letting me try lots of different sports, so I want to do the same.

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