Look, even bad years are pretty good years I think.

You can go out in a good movie and look bad as well.

Directors, producers can make you look good or make you look bad.

You cannot look at a person and tell whether they're good or bad.

Look, I'm no purist - there are good superhero films, and there are bad ones.

Of course it looks bad when you're not executing. When things go bad, it's not going to look good.

You can know a person is a good person or a bad person by who they are, not by what they look like.

Sometimes the shots you play in T20s don't look good and you feel that you got out on a bad looking shot.

If we can't look at the good, bad and ugly of who we are, we are never going to progress as people - ever.

You just can't make bad writing look good. But if you have good writing, you just say it, and it's almost done.

No one is going to look at the good things you do. Everybody is going to watch the bad things and that is how it is.

The way I look at humanity, I don't think there's good guys or bad guys. We're all potentially bad and potentially good.

You can have good times with anyone, but it's really different and much more interesting when you look at how you get through the bad times with someone.

The good news is the Republicans have started to say the right things about net neutrality. The bad news is we're not particularly close on what a bill would look like.

For the second album I look forward to doing a lot of serious collaboration and taking the experiences I've had over this last year, good and bad, and working it into the album.

I just keep following the good writing. I'm not good enough to make bad writing look good. Some people can, and I admire them for it, but I cannot. I will go down with the ship.

I always look at films as real stories with real people in real situations. That's why I struggle with the whole notion of calling someone the 'good guy' or the 'bad guy', because I think we all have potential to do good things and all have the potential to do bad things.

I do not like bad photographs. I don't like to be badly lit. There is a fashion, particularly on stage, for very 'toppy' lighting, which makes a child look 50. Ten o'clock is very good. If someone is taking a picture, you say, 'Lamps at 10 o'clock,' then everybody looks lovely.

There's a fine line between playing through things and sitting out. I was always on the side of, 'I'm going to play through it.' It's probably good at times, bad at times, but for an athlete to always try to be there and play through things, from a teammate's perspective, it speaks volumes. Now that I look back, mentally it makes you tougher.

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