I think 'She Drives Me Crazy' is hilarious and good.

They want to portray me as crazy, unhinged, unbalanced. OK, good, fine.

The good thing about having this illness is that it allows me to be a little bit crazy.

Either you are a good Virgo or a crazy Virgo! The good Virgo side of me is educating and raising the children - being there for them.

One thing that drives me crazy is when people tell me that I sound good for an athlete. They be like, 'You don't sound like you from Harlem.'

My fans are crazy, but in a good way. Very supportive, and some tweet me more like a 100 times a day. As for tour tales, I have a saying: 'What happens on tour stays on tour.'

I have a lot of suits, but I'm not the kind of person who looks good in a suit. Suits are too serious for me. They are better if you can break the rules, so that's why I always try to add something crazy to them.

It's such a crazy league, the Championship. People used to say that to me, and when you are in the Premier League, you don't really take notice. It's a good league; it's tough, and I like it. But the Premier League is where I want to be, with Villa.

Most of the girls who were better than me went to college or quit tennis. It's interesting to see who stuck around. It's pretty crazy to see who was good in juniors, who tried going pro. A lot of people fall off and it's really that difficult to get to each level.

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