For me, it's important to feel good.

For me, a good role, and not the length, is important.

To me the most important thing is a good story, though I know how cliche that sounds.

For me, it's important that the script is good. Then a good director will want to make it.

It's always good to score a goal, but for me, the most important thing is the three points.

For me, the most important thing I learned was just honing my eye. I think I had a good eye.

A good work-life balance is, for me, the most important thing - and the biggest challenge I have.

Glam, for me, is all about a good lip, lots of mascara, and contouring. Contouring is very important.

To me, giving back is so important. It makes others feel good which then in return makes me feel good.

It's very important to feel good in my clothes. I like fashion that suits me. I don't take it too seriously.

It's important for me to write songs that feel good to sing every night and remind me of my core, truest beliefs.

For me, the brand of the camera is not the most important thing. I think you can take good pictures with the camera on your phone.

Everyone sees me as a defensive-minded guy, but both sides of the court are important. If you want to win, you have to be good on both sides.

For me, it's important to build good partnerships rather than score centuries. Once, you have those partnerships, you will also get centuries.

Badminton is not only about winning. What is important to me is about playing hard, doing my best and putting up a good show for the spectators.

The biggest and the most important thing my mother told me is to be a good actor you first need to be a really good human being and an honest person.

I was a coach at Spurs for 15 years. I did want to go into management but what was important to me was doing a very good job in whatever capacity I was employed.

Looking good has never been the most important thing to me. Maybe it's because I'm more conventionally, um, acceptable, so it's not an issue for me. I don't know.

Yes, it is always good to contribute, but the most important thing is where we finish on the points table. That is more important to me than how many runs I score.

It's very important to me that I look good when I go out publicly. I like looking at my clothes rack in the morning and deciding what to pick out. I enjoy fashion.

You're not free unless you can show the good and the bad, all sides of them. So to me, when I play a character, it's important that I can show every aspect of them.

For me, the single most important question is how to construct a society that is just, safe, peaceful - all those good things - when people finally accept that there is no free will.

I guess I don't have the cut-throat ambition that some other actresses have. I don't know how good that is for my career, but I know how good that is for me as a person. And to me, that's much more important.

It's important for me to put out things that I think are good - I want to be a fan of my own stuff. I also want my live shows to be really awesome, and dance is such an important element for me and my performances.

I don't know if I'm different from everybody else, but there's really only two things to me that are really, really important - recruiting good players in the program and developing those players once they get here.

Keeping it clean is important to me because I'm just aware of my audience. My audience is a younger generation and, just in general, I wouldn't want to show my mom a video of me swearing like crazy. It's good clean fun.

The most important thing, to me is the intention of where things come from, like, why did you use it? What were the intentions of what you did? And if the intention is good, the intention is pure, then everything will turn out good.

I'm loving the ingredients that are in Pantene, and it smells so good, and that's important to me. It has cassia and aloe vera. The cassia flower is really good for strengthening hair strands and the aloe is wonderful for moisturizing.

In doing the screenplay for 'Good Night, and Good Luck,' the most important thing for me was to constantly go back to wherever the opposition would argue. So I had to keep reading all the books and articles about why McCarthy is such a good guy.

Taking care of my skin so that it's healthy and glowing, especially with all the travelling and training, is important and makes me feel presentable. I don't wear makeup when I compete, and that's when I'm photographed the most, so I have to make sure it looks good!

Regarding my pay, my salary, that I don't 'earn a lot,' these are things that are a result of two years ago when I came to Inter. To me, it was a good contract for having arrived at Inter. I signed the contract with the excitement and desire to prove my worth and be an important player for Inter.

I think predictability is built into any good novel in some way - you begin reading Anna Karenina and you know pretty much what's going to happen at the end. But that doesn't mean you know what's going to happen in the middle. For me, it's that sense of what happens in the middle that's important.

There was very little drama and performance at my school, so I've never forgotten the people who did encourage me and I've thought whether it would be a good idea to even get in touch with them and just say thanks, because they really opened a door for me mentally and emotionally - that's really important.

I actually had someone say to me, 'Lynn, you're going to have very good days, and you're going to have very bad days. But It's rare that things are as good as they look, and it's rare that things are as bad as they seem.' So having perspective, and challenging perspective, is important to making good decisions.

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