As long as they pay me good, that's all I care about.

As long as I have beaches, some good friends around me, it's 75 degrees and sunny, I'm good.

I've been around for so long, people have their perceptions of me: good, bad or indifferent.

It took me ten years and seven books to bag an agent - it took me that long to start writing good.

I really don't like when you see improv scenes go on too long. It really bothers me, even if the jokes are good.

Looking back on the long haul in my career, little films, big films, TV, the Western thing has been really good to me.

If you can play lots of different characters, that's fun. As long as the material is good, that's what the attraction is for me.

I put on whatever is comfortable on me. Suit, jeans and tee as long as it's comfortable. It doesn't matter what brand. If it looks good I buy it.

As long as I can make an audience feel something, I don't care whether it's a good thing or bad thing, just to feel something is important to me.

One of the things Coach Salazar always tells me is you're in just as good shape as anyone else and as long as you're in it with 400 meters to go, you can't give up.

I don't know why it was canceled, but 'Mancuso, FBI,' it should have had a good long run, but it wasn't picked up. Maybe there was a problem with me. I have no idea.

People always underestimate me. But if you stick around long enough, act out of conviction, and try to be honorable in everything you do, good things will come to you.

Back when Myspace was around I couldn't wait to have my own account. My parents told me I could get one as long as I was okay with the fact that with the good comes the bad.

Long before 'American Idol', people used to call me a diva. And I be like, 'Hold on, are you calling me something else on the sly? You gonna call me a diva, call me a good diva.'

I don't care how you get the outs. It doesn't matter to me how bad it looks, how good it looks, how many strikeouts you have. None of that stuff matters as long as you get the outs.

I just go into a contest looking to put down a good run. As long as I feel like I've done what I came to do, and I'm happy with my riding, where I end up doesn't matter that much to me.

Because everybody always encouraged me to sing, I assumed that I wasn't bad at it. It felt like it was obvious what I was going to pursue. I thought I was good for as long as I can remember.

Being all about me is not a good thing - I don't care what 1978 tried to say - because as long as you mostly think about yourself, you're not going to be a wonderful person. You're just not.

Somebody asked me - you know, how come it took you so long to win a national championship? And I said, 'I'm a slow learner; but you notice when I learn something, I have it down pretty good.'

In my 10 years that I spent out in TV and film, I had my shares of frustrations and annoyances and disappointments, but also I think it was, in the long run, it was very good for me in a whole bunch of ways.

People's attention spans, first of all, aren't always long enough. You also want to not be preachy. You want to be able to try and get the good stuff, like me and Donald say, the vegetables with the chocolate.

I don't make any distinction between a popular TV series or blockbuster film and doing Shakespeare. They're different, but as long as the material is good and the intention is honourable, it's all the same to me.

I put on such a good show, the story is outrageous, and people don't want to hear that I'm basically a reasonable human being. As long as it continues to get me print, I'll continue to perform in an exuberant manner.

I think it's a good trade to have to be versatile, to be adaptable, and be dependable, and that's one of the things that has enabled me to have the long career that I've had. It's definitely not because I'm good looking!

I was told I could play at the top long before I realised I could. A few people told me that. I've always had a 'name,' and I don't know how I got it, but I was blessed with people in the right situations saying good things about me.

You would give up your career if you lost your voice for good, or if the impresarios stopped calling, or the audiences stopped coming. But as long as those things are there, I don't plan to stop. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to be with my public.

When I was eight, I would look at the cover of the 'Ghost Rider' comic book in my little home in Long Beach, California, and I couldn't get my head around how something that scary could also be good. To me it was my first philosophical awakening - 'How is this possible, this duality?'

It never surprises me how good Shaun is. Even the coaches are surprised by the things he does and I can understand why. He can strike the ball so hard, yet his legs are only about 12 inches long. But I've been watching him do things like that ever since we were kids. I know what he's capable of.

I don't think I have reached that stage where I can evaluate my career. I still have a long way to go. All I wish for now is to make sensible moves and to choose wisely. It doesn't matter if there are gaps between films, as long as the ones I do give me the satisfaction of having done something good.

I've been around long enough to know that a good deal of the praise heaped on me I had nothing to do with. The only thing I did object to was the fact that where the criticism was actually wrong. Did it bother me? Of course it bothered me. But I've been around long enough to have ups and downs. So you get over it.

There is always this quarrel about what is preferable: the straight, naturalistic, epic storytelling or the modernistic, disjointed, slightly hermetic one. To me it does not matter, as long as it's good. I like both kinds. Although the common reader seems to prefer the first, which is to be expected, and who would blame her?

Well, painting is the one thing I do, that is just me. It's me and easels, and the pencils. And as long as I don't drool too much over the canvas, the colors come out pretty good. And it's a chance to express all that I've got inside, that I sometimes keep hidden. And I think that's why I paint big broad, wide open landscapes.

I had written a book. For various reasons, the publishing industry had decided that my book was going to be 'important.' The novel had taken me 12-and-a-half years to write, and after being with the book for so long, I had no real perspective on the merits or demerits of what I had written. I hoped it was good, but feared that it wasn't.

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