I know I'd be a good mom.

I feel like I'm a really good mom.

I'm not self boasting. I'm a really good mom.

I just want to be a good mom who makes her little girl proud.

He knows my limitations and where I'm a good wife and a good mom.

If anything gets in the way of me being a good mom or wife, I simply say no.

No mother is perfect and every good mom makes mistakes. What matters most is her heart.

I feel like a good mom. I'm a strong woman now... Don't look down on me. Pray for me because I'm trying.

For now I'm just enjoying being a mom. I don't want to be more famous and more rich. I want to be a good mom.

I want to make my music and be a happy woman, a good wife, a good mom and one day hopefully have a child of my own.

I think a good mom is an awake mom. At least for me, I've always been a kinder, better person awake than sleep-deprived!

Could I be a good mom? That's a dream, I pray that I'll be the best mom ever. But I don't know. It's so important to me.

I'm going to let people know that it's cool to have a child and be young and still be a good mom. It's really tough, but I'm doing it.

I've never lived my life in the opinion of others. I believe I'm a good person. I believe I'm a good mom. But that's for my kids to decide, not for the world.

I felt I couldn't be a good mom anymore, but I didn't want my children to grow up without a mom. I felt I had to end our lives to protect us from any grief or harm.

I'm a good role model. I have an amazing marriage, and it will be long lasting. I think I'm a good mom. I could run for office, no problem, because there are no skeletons in my closet.

Some women give birth and then two weeks later look amazing. I don't think I'm going to be one of those women, and I'm OK with that. I just want to be a good mom; I don't really care about having a hot bod.

To be a good mom, you have to step away from it for a minute. Whether that's getting out of the mom outfit or hanging out with your girlfriends - and not just your mom group friends - hanging out with other women.

I used to say, 'Man, I think I'd be a really good dad. I'll be a great provider. I'm funny; I'll go on trips with them - I'll do all sorts of stuff.' But the momming? I'm not made for that. I have a really good mom; I know what she put into it.

It would be great to do another television show that was a multi-camera because the hours are so wonderful and you can be a good mom at the same time. The problem is, there aren't a lot of multi-camera shows that I personally like. My aesthetic is more geared toward single-camera shows.

I think I was afraid of being a mother for many reasons. I wanted to be a good mom, and I was fearful at one point of even working at the national level because I was afraid that I would disappoint a child or I wouldn't be as ready for a big position as maybe I should have been when I came to Fox.

My mom is one of my role models in a complicated way. I learned from her how to be a good mom. She was one of those natural moms who really took to it. Her chosen profession was teaching. She loves kids. But she was extremely frustrated and unhappy because for much of my life she was a stay-at-home mom.

Who are you without your girls? I truly believe that. Who are you without the people who help you make sense of the misogyny, the racism, the economic struggle, all of it? You need those people saying you're a good mom, a great writer. You're a great dresser. You cook well. Whatever the beauty is that you need to hear.

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