Good scripts are hard to find.

There aren't enough good scripts.

My heart truly lies in good scripts.

I just want to work on good scripts.

Good scripts, which are apt for me, eventually come to me.

Good scripts and interesting stories are hard enough to find.

I'm a very moody guy and I need good scripts which excite me.

The only thing that gets me back to directing is good scripts.

It's very difficult to find good scripts in Hollywood any more.

I just need good scripts, good films, and I am glad I am doing them.

I will do a film if there is a good scope for acting. I am looking for good scripts.

I select good scripts, and every role is an opportunity to enhance my histrionic skills.

Good scripts are difficult to come by in the industry, especially if you are an outsider.

You're always looking for good scripts and when they're not always forthcoming you go mad.

Good scripts that are offered to me are few and far between, so I pick the best that I get.

I look for good scripts, not anything. It should inspire me, and the audience should like it.

Many directors are approaching me with good scripts. I will concentrate on production and music.

So, no, I'm not trying to crack into Hollywood, although I'll make films there if they're good scripts.

Like any other actor, I also look for good scripts and want to portray some memorable characters on screen.

It's all about good scripts and roles that count. The language barrier does not make any difference for me.

I am not bothered about money. I have no dreams that feature money. I dream only of good cinema and good scripts.

If a star film does not have a good story, it will not run. This will make stars choose good scripts consciously.

I have tried to make decisions to work with great directors, with good scripts, and that makes the pickings real slim.

There is a perception that I do certain kind of films. That's not true. I am open to any good scripts with a good role.

If I get good films, I would definitely do them. But most of the stuff that I get is not good at all. They were not good scripts.

The greatest gift that an actor can have is good scripts because then you're relieved of the responsibility of trying to elevate the material.

I didn't want to be seen as just a guy on a list. I'm interested in good scripts, scripts that are about something, scripts that move your acting along.

The one good thing is that I get a lot more good scripts coming through my letterbox. 'Vera Drake' raised my profile in one way, and then 'Harry Potter' in another.

Television's so quick, and there's so many other fun elements to it, but you don't get such good scripts and the time to really make much more three dimensional characters.

I'm not going to comment about potential jobs in the future because that's a rabbit hole to go down and get caught up in, but all I'll say is I'll go where the good scripts are.

Like any other actor, I want to work with good directors, and I always look for good scripts. I've had to say no to some people; I suspect that's the reason I'm called arrogant.

Certainly, you envy the guys that have done all kinds of things, a variety of good scripts and good directors. Then again, having worked with Cassavetes has satisfied a big part of that.

I was really surprised to see how critical the Malayali audiences are. It is really overwhelming that people genuinely want good scripts and do not miss a chance to applaud good scripts.

Hmm, limelight... No, I'm not Sienna Miller or Angelina Jolie. I'm very lucky and happy, but I still find it very difficult to get good scripts and good roles. It's really a jungle out there.

I don't work for production houses. I only work for good scripts and roles. If you follow my career graph, you will find that I have not given a single flop yet in my career. I am proud of it.

I feel that I don't have to wait around for good scripts anymore, that I can get things moving more quickly. I can ring up directors I like and say I'm keen to work with them, which is pretty great.

I have always been attracted to good scripts and try hard to make characters as believable as possible. That means trying to figure out how they would react to situations, what they eat, think, and feel.

I'm just into making quality stuff if I can, with interesting people and good scripts. But it's very important that it's about something and that it says something. Otherwise, I don't know what the point is, really.

With most good scripts and good shows, they expect the actor to bring some of their ideas to the backstory of the character. It's always a good collaboration between the actor and the writer and the director to try stuff out during the process.

Good scripts have always been, I think, hard to find. Good storytelling, good writing - it's just not easy. I have made it a point that - if I'm going to put the energy into doing this work - I will wait until I find something I'm really happy with.

When I read a script, I always - the first question I ask myself is, 'Is there something that I could bring to it that maybe the next guy wouldn't?' Because I've read a lot of very good scripts and thought there are people who could do this better than I.

I never think of myself as a big star. Getting good scripts is all I think about. I don't have a godfather or anyone to take care of me. To move forward, I have to be very careful in choosing the right scripts, the right director, and the right technicians.

I think when you're a bigger star you get many good scripts sent to you, and you have to choose which one you're going to gravitate toward, but I just try to gravitate toward the best-written one that's been thrown my way after a lot of girls have passed on it.

I don't have any regrets, because I think life is like a creek. It kind of meanders along, and you instinctively do the things you are meant to do. There's no great plan except doing really good scripts, meeting great filmmakers. And I have to have something that I can bring to the role.

I don't plan or schedule my career thinking first I will play a common man, then a police officer, then a superhero. I love good scripts, and I don't care if I play the main part in it or not. I want to be a part of good films. That's my dream... 'Jacobinte Swargarajyam' was that film for me.

I know firsthand how much work has usually gone into a screenplay, so if there's something that rings false or a line that I would think would need a tweak or something, I will think long and hard before I even recommend changing it. In that sense, I'm very faithful to the scripts that I get - if they're good scripts.

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