Government has been a fossil: it should be a plant.

Local self-government…is the life-blood of liberty.

England can never be ruined except by a Parliament.

Sometimes there are no good choices for government.

Government has the power to help improve well-being

No resource will flourish if managed by government.

Governments don't control people like they used to.

No government is safe unless fortified by goodwill.

All government is founded on compromise and banter.

Our rights come from nature and God, not government.

A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy.

You can't repeal human nature by an Act of Congress.

The Diet was dissolved by a Reich Government decree.

Secrecy and a free, democratic government don't mix.

People want the government to go back to the people.

Government should do a few things, and do them right

Government is the enemy of conservatism and freedom.

The Government made by a number of Sovereign States.

The Congress of Vienna does not walk, but it dances.

All prejudices are equally fatal to good government.

America is greatest country; but not our government.

Believe nothing until it has been officially denied.

Socialism requires that government becomes your god.

Democracy is "government of, by and for the people".

No, our greatness does not come from our government.

Government intervention only hurts; it doesn't help.

Compassion comes from the heart, not the government.

All peoples are fed up with the American government.

Sinn Fein say, "The British government are buggers".

It should not be the government running the economy.

Today, we have got more excuses from the government.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.

Governing a large state is like boiling a small fish.

The end of government is the happiness of the people.

The world will not accept dictatorship or domination.

Governments need to have both shepherds and butchers.

Where the Government is weak, military sway prevails.

I can describe to you the taste of government cheese.

That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary.

Government expands to absorb revenue - and then some.

Money will not purchase character or good government.

Public influence is the real government of the world.

The bigger the government, the greater the corruption

Good government is no substitute for self-government.

Nothing so weakens government as persistent inflation.

Blanket cynicism toward government has always existed.

The federal government is our servant, not our master.

The object of government is the welfare of the people.

Unemployment is a reproach to a democratic government.

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