Self-government means self support.

I have sworn upon the altar of god.

These people really aim very badly.

Governments are not representative.

We need a new government that works.

Charity is not a government program.

Power is not alluring to pure minds.

Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.

Big government makes small citizens.

Iraq's government is at a stalemate.

Democracy is an abuse of statistics.

I'm a small government conservative.

All government is an ugly necessity.

A government shutdown is inexcusable.

In government, one actress is enough.

The government invented the Internet.

[The Kochs] they hate big government.

I love my country, not my government.

As government grows, freedom recedes.

Financial crises require governments.

To rule is easy, to govern difficult.

A government of laws, and not of men.

Morality is the object of government.

I'm still working for the government.

The price of loyalty is incompetence.

As a rule, governments monitor people.

Government is best which governs least

You don't pay taxes - they take taxes.

The business of government is justice.

Hip-Hop is bigger than the government.

Voters quickly forget what a man says.

All I know is that I am not a Marxist.

It is not good to have a rule of many.

Democracy must learn to defend itself.

All governments are lying cocksuckers.

I am a limited-government libertarian.

States, as great engines, move slowly.

I don't have too much time for fiction.

There is no such thing as a false idea.

Reasons come first. Answers come second

The less government we have the better.

People want transparency in government.

He is almost a statesman. He lies well.

The whole government is a Ponzi scheme.

The worst government is the most moral.

States are great engines moving slowly.

The first twelve years are the hardest.

How our government works... it doesn't.

Have the government get out of the way.

All good government must begin at home.

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