If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow ...

If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me.

Follow the grain in your own wood.

Me, I like to go against the grain.

Beauty alters the grain of reality.

I take everything with a grain of salt.

My father worked at the Grain Exchange.

I always seem to be singing against the grain.

I always seem to be singing against the grain.

A grain of poetry suffices to season a century.

I'll run against the grain till the day I drop?

For every grain of wit there is a grain of folly.

God is everywhere, in the smallest grain of sand.

To go against the grain is the secret of bravery.

For breakfast, a grain bowl is healthy but hearty.

I'd rather have none at all than a grain too much.

Covetousness bursts the sack and spills the grain.

You have to take everything I say with a grain of salt.

We give advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain.

At the heart of every legend there is a grain of truth.

If you sell your soul to the devil, you get more grain.

I don't go against the grain because I'm a contrary person.

Find the grain of truth in criticism-chew it and swallow it.

When the flood cometh it sweepeth away grain as well as chaff.

I gravitate towards anything that has a grain of comedy to it.

I trust my gut instinct, and go against the grain and it works.

To make a revolution is not in the grain of our people's nature.

A grain of devotion is more valuable thank tons of faithlessness.

Wherever there is a grain of loyalty there is a glimpse of freedom.

In this big ball of people, I'm just one grain of sand on this beach.

The mute grain turns to love songs when swallowed by the nightingale.

And common is the commonplace, And vacant chaff well meant for grain.

The pleasure of authenticity exists only against the grain of society.

I always wanted to go against hat grain because it was too restricting.

The honours system gets to grade people. Graded grains make finer rice.

If you could understand a single grain of wheat you would die of wonder.

The grain of real knowledge is concealed in a vast deal of esoteric chaff.

There is a light seed grain inside. You fill it with yourself, or it dies.

Energy, like the biblical grain of the mustard-seed, will remove mountains.

I am on a ketos diet so I avoid sugar, dairy products, wheat, grain or pulses.

You can't go against the grain of the universe and not expect to get splinters.

Anarchists have always gone against the grain, and that's been a place of hope.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, sometimes you've got to go against the grain.

Amaranth, the world's most nutritious grain, is available from health food stores.

We need these figures who don't exactly go against the grain but create a new grain.

It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it's the grain of sand in your shoe.

It's all about salsa with grain chips, tofu, turkey slices, hummus, and coconut water.

In my position, I'm always going to get a bit of flak. I take it with a grain of salt.

We had grain but no mills, so I designed a special mill of wood so we could make flour.

A charmed life old goodness hath; the tares may perish, but the grain is not for death.

This is what happens when you go against the grain of truth. You get splinters later on.

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