Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish.

Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish.

I loved Bud Grant.

Lou Grant was pretty much always Lou Grant.

Heaven grant us patience with a man in love.

The toughest fight I've ever had was T. J. Grant.

The Lord grant we may all be tillers of the soil.

Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.

The right to vote is the easiest of all rights to grant.

The world is full of genies waiting to grant your wishes.

Grant me some wild expressions, Heavens, or I shall burst.

All the good modern parts go to Jack Lemmon or Cary Grant.

You just have to hope that they'll grant you an interview.

Grant what thou commandest and then command what thou wilt.

Cary Grant was one of the most marvelous men I've ever met.

O ye gods, grant unto me to have little and to want nothing.

If I had to date someone, it would be Hugh Grant. I love him.

Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant.

I always ask, why can't I be just like Cary Grant or something.

Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love.

The greatest leading man, in my opinion, will always be Cary Grant.

Cary Grant is really the master of not taking himself so seriously.

God grant you the strength to fight off the temptations of surrender.

'The Invisibles' by Grant Morrison is my favorite series of all time.

In my mind, I'm not scary at all. I'm channeling my inner Cary Grant!

Yeah, but there's nobody who represents romance to me like Cary Grant.

I will watch everything that Cary Grant did, or Kubrick made or Bergman.

Grant us a brief delay; impulse in everything is but a worthless servant.

In any event, colonization and the grant of lands were provincial matters.

Growing up, my mom would watch 'Notting Hill' a lot. She loves Hugh Grant.

I've always aspired to Cary Grant's level of coolness and failed miserably.

One of my favorite graphic novels of all time is Grant Morrison's 'Earth-2.'

I felt blessed by the existence of Horace Porter's 'Campaigning With Grant.'

'Mira Grant' is actually my pseudonym. And 'Seanan' is pronounced 'SHAWN-in.'

Grant, if we edited Fortran, I assume that you'd put a column thing in there.

It was Grant's company and he made all the decisions. And that was just fine.

I met Cary Grant once, and I was absolutely star struck. I got his autograph.

Hugh Grant will always be associated with his scandal, and so will Max Mosley.

Hugh Grant is the main man. He's the number one romantic comedy man in the world.

This only grant me, that my means may lie too low for envy, for contempt too high.

The only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed.

I read tons of comic books. My favourite is Grant Morrison, a Scottish comic writer.

Mobs in the street tearing down Ulysses S. Grant statues is a really chilling sight.

Each man must grant himself the emotions that he needs and the morality that suits him.

Unless you're Jack Lemmon or Cary Grant, there are few guys who can do comedy and drama.

Refusing to grant clemency is a failure of one of the most basic jobs of being governor.

If you don't look like Rupert Graves or Hugh Grant, they'll have you playing the gardener.

Americans chose a limited government that exists to protect our rights, not to grant them.

Section 7 of the Constitution doesn't grant a power for the king to do whatever he wishes.

No salesman can ever guarantee you a grant from any government or non-profit organization.

I'd been brought up on... American TV: 'Lou Grant,' 'Starsky & Hutch;' 'Gilligan's Island.'

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