To me, when a great band is playing together, it's amazing for me.

The V&A is an amazing museum, and the collections have always been a great inspiration to me.

For me, it is amazing to be in England. To be in London and playing for Spurs will be great for me.

American Odyssey' will be an amazing adventure inside the musical walls of our cities. It's theater, and radio has always been great theater to me.

One of my groupies gave me a film that they made, and it ended up being amazing, so I got it shown at South by Southwest. If I can help get their stuff out there, then great.

When I go outside of L.A., no matter where it is, really anywhere I go, people will be stopping me or taking pictures or whatever it is. And it's great. It's amazing. I'm just lucky.

I was with the Jessie Bonstelle Stock Company in Detroit and Buffalo for three seasons - 10 performances and a new play every week. She was an amazing woman who did a great deal for me.

I did see - and it really struck me - the late, great Tim Pigott Smith and Michelle Dockery doing 'Pygmalion' at the Old Vic. That was amazing. I remember being rocked to the core by that.

I understudied Colm Feore quite a bit in '85 and '86 - 'Persephone' and 'The Boys from Syracuse,' too - and that was great, great training for me. He was and he is an amazing theatre actor.

Blogs are amazing, and I'm so grateful to mine for giving me such a great platform to explore other ideas, but it's just not practical to scroll through 30 pages of blog to find a dinner recipe.

I know the benefits of having a really great improv show are amazing because it was this one rare and fleeting thing that was incredible, but the risk just didn't appeal to me. I liked the control of sitting down and writing things.

It's amazing to be nominated for two Brits, and I'm in great company. I'm not a politician out blagging votes, but if people like what I do and feel like giving me a vote for British Breakthrough, imagine how mint it would be if I actually won.

Lyrics are important, but it's hard, because English isn't my first language - although it feels like it is these days! I grew up with amazing melodies, so getting that right on a song has always been the key thing for me, but there's no reason why a great melody doesn't deserve great lyrics.

I had a paint pony called Half-Pint, and I rode her in Madison Square Garden, and that was my first big show. But my first real pony was this red pony called Chantal. He was absolutely amazing. He was a great pony, except he did spin me off a couple of times! I would blink, and then I would be on the floor.

I remember what it felt like when I was young, and I looked up to someone, and they would pay me just an ounce of attention. And some of the bands I listened to when I was young probably never even sold any albums, but it didn't matter to me. If I'd go up and say, 'Great show,' it would be amazing that they even would acknowledge me.

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