I've never been a great cook.

I wasn't a great cook, but I was a passionate one.

My mom was a great cook and great baker all her life.

I'm not a great cook, so I'd rather go out for brunch.

My mom was a great cook and also a very creative cook.

I'm a great cook. People have asked me to do a cookbook.

I'm a good cook, I am not a great cook. I'm an absolute fraud.

I know who in the family is a great cook. I know where the great recipes are.

I started cooking from watching my mom. My mother was a really, really great cook.

My mom was Sicilian, my dad was Sicilian. Mom was a great cook, but all the women were.

I love food. I'm not a great cook, but I love to cook, and I like how different it is from writing.

No one would call me a great cook, but over years of cooking, for me, confidence has replaced ambition.

My mom, she's a great cook. You know, pirogue, borscht. I love borscht, and I love Pilemeni, meat dumplings.

I am not a great cook, I am not a great artist, but I love art, and I love food, so I am the perfect traveller.

Whenever I am stressed, I cook a good meal for my wife. Many people don't know this, but I'm actually a great cook.

A good chef has to be a manager, a businessman and a great cook. To marry all three together is sometimes difficult.

At the root of many a woman's failure to become a great cook lies her failure to develop a workmanlike regard for knives.

It's so important for me to unplug for a little bit, to have dinner with my husband. He's a great cook. I'm very fortunate.

Doing a good play on the stage is like eating a good meal at home - assuming your wife is a great cook or that she's hired a great cook.

When anybody is just starting the process of cooking, I always say it takes practice, and nobody got to be a great cook on their first try.

Did I get to go to my friends' houses and eat junk food? Sure. And I'm a great cook. And, guess what? There's no prepared food in my house.

I might not be a great cook when I am preparing something for myself, but when it comes to cooking for others, somehow my cooking skills are at their best.

The inspiration to cook came from my grandmother and my father who were both wonderful home cooks. But I would say I taught myself. You travel, you discover the world, you explore books - it is these things that make a great cook.

I love to eat, I love to feed people, and I'm a great cook. I joked with my friends that I wanted to write a book where desserts had to be extensively researched, since I have a terrible sweet tooth. My particular downfall is cake.

My inspiration was my mom. She's a great cook, and she still cooks, and we still banter back and forth about cooking. Growing up in a mostly Portuguese community, food was important and the family table was extremely important. At a very young age I understood that.

My wife was born and raised in Italy until she was about 9, and then she came to America, and her mom was a great cook, and they have great recipes, and whenever her mom would come into town, we would have all these friends just randomly showing up at our house, and eventually we figured out why. They wanted Mama's cooking.

My mom wasn't so much such a great cook. But I don't know, I think I have a very strong mother, and it's funny, because both of my sisters - I have two sisters, and I'm the baby, but they all work hard. I'm not sure where I get it from, and I'm not sure where they get it from, but they must get it from somewhere... I like to work.

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