I think that most people really know if it's a really great album.

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

It's great to have people talking about the club again, to reinvent and get to know Ajax again.

The Jesuits I know who have died and all their lives were great teachers, they're the least remembered people.

Being invisible would be pretty great. You could watch everybody, sneak into places and know what people were saying.

I sold steaks over the phone in Omaha, Nebraska. Marbling, fantastic. That's what makes a great steak; a lot of people don't know.

Prabhu Deva has written the opening lines for a couple of songs in 'Vedi.' He's a great lyricist too and not many people know that.

I don't know, one out of every two marriages ends up in divorce so there's a lot of great people out there who people aren't happy with.

I know some really great actors who are pretty judgmental people, pretty critical people. But they're great actors. When they're acting, that's the craft.

It's such a great feeling to make people laugh. I know I've made people cry or want to slit their wrists, but to make people laugh is a very intoxicating, wonderful thing.

Hubris is interesting, because you get people who are often very clever, very powerful, have achieved great things, and then something goes wrong - they just don't know when to stop.

I'm astonished at how readily a great many people I know, young people, have accepted a reduced economic prospect and limited freedoms in any substantial sense, and basically traded them for being able to screw around online.

The great thing about Twitter is, you get a lot back, and I read through a lot, and I want my fans to know that I do read a lot, and it's why I do respond or retweet clever posts, and I'm constantly amazed by the cleverness of people on Twitter.

I think globalization is a great thing. And now a lot of people complain about globalization; a lot of people don't like, you know, the globalize of the concept, the idea of the results. I think the globalization is a great idea and to create a lot of jobs.

We used to go and play shows in the south in front of two people and now every show we did was just great. The warm-ups, most of those weren't even advertised and most of them were sold out. I don't know what's going on, it's just so much different than it used to be.

We need to know what the resources of the moon are. We have great evidence now because of different kinds of radar and spectroscopic analysis that people have been able to do. But we really do need to go visit there, and we can do that with a robot craft without any problem.

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