I'm quite a gregarious, outgoing person.

I wish I was a little more gregarious and outgoing

I wish I was a little more gregarious and outgoing.

I was a very outgoing, gregarious, full-of-energy kid.

Everyone is vulnerable who is at once gifted and gregarious.

Although I am a gregarious person, I love solitude even more.

I'm very gregarious, but I love being in the hills on my own.

I was an optimistic person, really bossy, gregarious and outspoken.

Steve is very quiet, even shy. I am very gregarious. So, opposites.

My husband is so gregarious and open and funny and such a people person.

I am alternately very gregarious - very sociable - and then very solitary.

I am tired of angry feminists. I like my women happy, gregarious... and bathed.

My childhood was very gregarious, and I was usually surrounded by close family.

Directing is extrovert and gregarious; writing is isolating, introverted, and lonely.

I'm the most gregarious of men and love good company, but never less alone when alone.

I like silence; I'm a gregarious loner and without the solitude, I lose my gregariousness.

I've often said there's two kinds of actors. There's a more gregarious type and the shy type.

My mum and I are, in many ways, quite similar. We're both creative, gregarious, and energetic.

My father was a very gregarious, very open guy. So every weekend, the house was full of people.

I was an open, smiley and gregarious child. I could make friends in 30 seconds wherever I went.

I don't think I'm exactly gregarious, you know. I'm not usually known as the loud person in the room.

My persona has always been what a man was never supposed to be. Outrageous, gregarious, crazy, silly, funny.

Playwrights are the most gregarious writers - to get our work done, we need actors, directors, set designers.

I'm not gregarious. I spend a lot of time in the parks when it is fine. I do know almost every blade of grass.

When they tried me out as a host on TV, I found that I just couldn't be that gregarious person. I was stranger than that.

I'm perfectly gregarious, but I can also be really happy left to my own devices with nobody watching me or listening to me.

The average person is gregarious; there is something in the spirit of the crowd that adds to the enjoyment of entertainment.

The majority of cats are very gregarious - they love each other so much; they enjoy living together and grooming each other.

I'm not, like, a gregarious guy. I don't walk into a room and want to engage people. I'm just not wired that way. One on one, I'm fine.

I'm not very good at talking and being with people and being gregarious and outgoing. I love people, but I have great difficulty doing it.

I make friends easily. I'm a gregarious guy, I'm open, I'm easy to get to know - I don't lock myself in an ivory tower. So I like people; I enjoy people.

I'm not a very gregarious person. I can't bear attention being called to me in a public place, which is ridiculous in a business that pays you to be noticed.

My mother is brilliant but emotional and very much gregarious and connected to people. My father was brilliant but focused and driven and very narrow-casted.

I was never particularly gregarious. I was quite shy, closed in. It's a classic isn't it, your psychiatrist will tell you, that's how I release it, through music.

A solitary, unused to speaking of what he sees and feels, has mental experiences which are at once more intense and less articulate than those of a gregarious man.

The good thing about working alone is I get a lot done and I can experiment more. The bad thing is I miss out on the gregarious, social way that most musicians work.

I dearly remember the old days... Fleetwood Mac had this one-of-a-kind charm. They were gregarious, charming and cheeky onstage. Very cheeky. They'd have a good time.

The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal, not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society.

I was gregarious as a kid, but I think the idea of actually getting to know people, I'm just shy. It sort of takes me a minute to want to sit down and talk about myself.

I had a fantastic stepfather, so I didn't resent him in any way, although I was unnerved by him. He was not an easy man, although he was incredibly charming, gregarious, and fun.

I think Punjabis have an inherent quality - of being gregarious and happy - and that makes for very good characters, and that's the reason why every actor wants to play a Sardar.

A widely held, but rarely articulated, belief in our society is that the ideal self is bold, alpha, gregarious. Introversion is viewed somewhere between disappointment and pathology.

I am never bored, never short of anything to do and I don't even ever feel lonely. I am quite gregarious and I get out and about a lot, but sometimes it is just wonderful to be on your own.

It's not easy to strap yourself down to a desk and bash on a keyboard when you know you can direct lots of films, because directing films is fun and interactive and gregarious. Writing isn't.

It's a marvellous life, a gregarious life that we've had. We're very lucky in that way. Unlike writers or painters, we don't sit down in front of a blank canvas and say, 'How do I start? Where do I start?'

My father was a very warm, gregarious, sociable person who had many interests. He lived his life very much in the present, full of activities and the next project. He had many hobbies. He was not given to retrospection.

In our society, the ideal self is bold, gregarious, and comfortable in the spotlight. We like to think that we value individuality, but mostly we admire the type of individual who's comfortable 'putting himself out there.'

My father was an individualist, and I took after him. At school, however, one is forced to be gregarious. I didn't resent this, but I didn't particularly enjoy it, and whenever I could, I withdrew into my own private world.

I learned early in my career, where you get so wrapped up and so excited, that all of a sudden you don't think. So I worked very hard to keep myself suppressed. And that's one of the reasons I wasn't gregarious with the gallery.

I think that it is important to be gregarious, and that friendships are not just a leisure pursuit, that they are an integral part of what it is to be human, and one does better work if one has a circle of friends that is active.

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