The first cut is the deepest.

I loved doing 'Grey's Anatomy.'

I'm still a big 'Grey's Anatomy' fan.

How do you know when you're finished making love?

'Grey's Anatomy' is a very culturally diverse show.

I used to watch 'Grey's Anatomy' pretty religiously.

I learned how to write TV by writing 'Grey's Anatomy.'

The most important history is the history we make today.

'Grey's Anatomy' is by far, by a landslide, my favorite show.

Disney has made $2 billion on 'Grey's Anatomy.' I don't have $2 billion.

Just because you watch 'Grey's Anatomy' doesn't mean you can do the operation.

Before 'Grey's Anatomy,' I was doing musicals, plays, commercials, you name it.

I'm proud to say that I was that guy playing the character of Dr. Burke on 'Grey's Anatomy.'

My experience on 'Grey's Anatomy' is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

On 'Grey's Anatomy,' I didn't have to move too much. I think I ran through the hospital three times.

They got rid of bottled water. We got thermoses that say 'Grey's Anatomy Season 4' with our names on it. Cool.

If a man comes up to me, I'm almost sure he's going to mention Rome, if it's a woman, it'll be 'Grey's Anatomy.'

I would love to appear in 'Scandal,' something like that, or 'Grey's Anatomy' because I think they're incredible.

I think it's well-known that I love all things ABC and Shonda Rhimes - I'm a huge 'Scandal' and 'Grey's Anatomy' fan.

I was asked to be in the last two 'Harry Potter' films and I couldn't do it because I was busy filming 'Grey's Anatomy.'

The best thing I've ever taken from a set is the rug in Owen and Cristina's apartment on Grey's Anatomy before they broke up.

I TiVo 'CSI,' 'CSI: Miami,' 'Grey's Anatomy,' 'Young and The Restless' - my husband hates that one - and that's pretty much it.

'Grey's Anatomy,' that was a great show to be part of, but they work really long hours. They were all just really tired. Just worn out.

We have people say, 'There's not enough women writers.' I have a writers room that is almost nothing but women over at 'Grey's Anatomy.'

I don't actually watch 'Grey's Anatomy.' When I was in it, I kind of knew that it was a big deal. My sister's a big fan, so I kind of knew.

On 'Grey's Anatomy' I wouldn't care what I was playing - I would play a corpse, 'cause I love it that much. It is deep true love, and it will never die.

What makes me happy is just curling up in with my mom in her bed and watching a marathon of 'CSI' and 'Grey's Anatomy' episodes with pints of ice cream.

I'm very grateful and fully aware that 90 percent of actors are not working. Going from public school teacher to a show like 'Grey's Anatomy', I love what I do.

To unwind after training, I love to have a long hot soak in the bath, then veg out on the sofa with a box set. I'm a box-set junkie! I absolutely love 'Grey's Anatomy.'

It's kind of amazing how popular 'Grey's Anatomy' is. What other show can boast such an annoyingly sincere cast of doctors, sniveling through such perfunctory love triangles?

Shonda Rhimes, especially, saw something in me that no one had and then wrote to my strengths for 'Grey's Anatomy.' That's the job I think really opened up a whole new world for me.

I like to watch 'Grey's Anatomy' when I'd doing cardio. But, sometimes I do need good music to get me moving. I like high energy songs by artists like Justin Timberlake and Rihanna.

God bless ABC. They are my knights in shining armor. I love their content. Just as a person, I'm a huge fan of 'Scandal,' I still love 'Grey's Anatomy,' and 'Resurrection' looks amazing.

For my father, he didn't know what 'Grey's Anatomy' was. He didn't know who John Mayer was. But when I showed up on the 'Law & Order' TNT promo spot, he thought, 'Wow, my son has made it.'

My dad's a doctor, and he'd watch 'Grey's Anatomy,' and he'd be like, 'This is not okay. This isn't what it's like.' And we're like, 'Shut up, it's not about that. That's not why we're watching it.'

I think, before 'Watchmen,' I was the guy from 'Grey's Anatomy' who's a pretty good guy, a pretty charming sweet guy, and so as an actor, I really wanted to do something as far from that as I could.

That's why the role that I have on 'Grey's Anatomy' is important to me, because it's a human being. He doesn't have to wear race on his sleeve; he doesn't even have to talk about it. We just lead by our actions.

'Grey's Anatomy' has given me a lot of security, especially as my kids have grown older. Plus, for the last eight years, I didn't have to get on a plane and go to do a job out of town or in another part of the world.

I wanted to become a lawyer because I saw Kelly McGillis on 'The Accused.' 'Grey's Anatomy,' 'L.A. Law,' 'Ally McBeal' - all of these have inspired women to go into law. I think the opposite is happening in technology.

Often, as a young actress, you find yourself being the only girl in a room full of men... and one of the reasons why I like 'Grey's Anatomy' is because they have such strong female characters and the women really drive this show.

I recurred on 'Grey's Anatomy' for three years, and at the same time, I recurred for eight episodes on 'Rescue Me'. And I'd recurred for nine episodes on 'The Practice'. Frankly, the guest star is often the most compelling character.

I told you, I have done a lot of projects and as often as I run into someone who recognizes me from something else, I run into someone who is like 'You're on Grey's Anatomy' and I have only been on for seven episodes. It's kind of amazing.

If I knew how to operate a DVR, you'd find episodes of 'The Tavis Smiley Show,' 'Democracy Now!' and lots of stuff from TV Land. What you can find now on my Hulu account are Korean soap operas, 'Grey's Anatomy' and films from the Criterion collection.

My favorite pair of shoes I've worn for a role would have to be the brown Vera Wang combat boots that Jo wears in her everyday life away from the hospital on 'Grey's Anatomy.' I love them because they are also something I would wear in my everyday life.

It wasn't the 'miracle of engineering' that is the human body that was filling me with a mad desire to live my days and nights in a pair of scrubs. The hard truth was I did not remotely want to be a surgeon. I actually just wanted to be on 'Grey's Anatomy.'

With some artists, I've noticed that after their songs have been licensed, on their next album you can totally hear they're trying to write a song for 'Grey's Anatomy' and it doesn't work. It's just one of those things that has to feel genuine to last a long time.

I actually gained a lot of weight when I started to do 'Grey's Anatomy.' Doing eight theater shows a week, girl, is such a workout. But with TV, you're, like, sitting in your trailer waiting to go to the set. And there's catering and craft service every place you look.

God bless America - what other civilization would give Patrick Dempsey another shot to rule as a sex symbol, twenty years after 'Meatballs III: Summer Job?' His reign as Dr. McDreamy on 'Grey's Anatomy' is proof that there's nothing we love more than giving Eighties celebs a heartwarming second stab at life.

I always talk about Meredith and Derrick from 'Grey's Anatomy,' and I loved them the most when they sort of opened and closed each episode with them in bed, happy with each other, and you didn't need to insert extra conflict into them, because there was plenty of conflict in the show. So they were this port in the storm of conflict.

The DVR thing has rocked my world. Being on the road, I used to not keep up with any shows. Now I got a DVR, so I'm watching everything: 'CSI: Miami,' my favorites 'Criminal Minds' and 'The Mentalist.' I like some of the HBO stuff, 'Entourage' and 'Eastbound & Down.' My wife got me into the 'Grey's Anatomy' deal, so I'm watching that.

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