Jokes are grievances.

Love holds no grievances.

Never repeat old grievances.

grievance does not make for great art.

Comparisons do ofttime great grievance.

I don't have any grievance against anybody.

Let our opportunities overshadow our grievances.

There's a new grievance every day to write about.

A grievance is most poignant when almost redressed.

We are the ones who suffer when we hold on to past grievances.

There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law.

The feminists have a legitimate grievance. But so does everyone else.

You can't hold on to a grievance and be happy. Time to make a choice!

History does not eliminate grievances. It lays them down like landmines.

There have always been grievances and youth has always been the agitator.

Preying on the grievances of disaffected young men is the bedrock of Islamism.

To ignore the Mussalman grievance as if it was not felt is to postpone Swaraj.

Liberalism is a series of grievances in addition to everything else that it is.

Of course I'd have loved to be Prime Minister. But I'm not nursing a grievance.

No person with a grievance can be also a person with an attractive personality!

I support anybody that does have a grievance to be able to air it, and that's it.

The law of England is the greatest grievance of the nation, very expensive and dilatory.

She released her grievances like handfuls of birdseed: They are there, and they are gone.

Seek happiness and you may or may not find it; seek grievances and you are guaranteed success.

The leftist vision of politics as a matter of rights begets an attitude of grievance and entitlement.

Inclusiveness is expanded by grievance. If I were a mistress, I would not need to fight for my career.

I am committed to the principle that violence is never justified as a means of ameliorating a grievance.

To foment grievance and to set men at variance is the trade by which agitators thrive and journalists make money.

If you would make yourself agreeable wherever you go, listen to the grievances of others but never relate your own.

As any psychologist will tell you, the worst thing you can possibly do to a woman is to deprive her of a grievance.

What's a major concern that people, major grievance Americans lodge? It's, we don't make anything in America anymore.

If you have to invoke a distant past to justify a present grievance, the case for the grievance is already undermined.

White racial grievance enjoys automatic credibility, and even when disproven, it is never disqualifying of its bearers.

Let me say this as clearly as I can: No matter how sharp a grievance or how deep a hurt, there is no justification for killing innocents.

The question the electorate asks is: 'What can you do for us? Are you just using us to defeat somebody because you have a personal grievance?'

One of the triumphs of the Civil Rights Movement is that when you travel through the South today, you do not feel overwhelmed by a residue of grievance and hate.

I delight in offending people. I think the grievance brigade, victimhood, the idea that hurt feelings are some kind of special currency - I think that needs to come to an end.

Round and round will Americans be compelled to ride on a mindless, manufactured, racial carousel... for without it, the edifice of an industry built upon grievance and excuse-making is destined to collapse.

By appeasing the anti-racism lobby and affirming its culture of grievance, public institutions and business leaders are not making Britain a fairer place. In fact they are harming the very people they aspire to help.

One of the things that happens to you if you write about restaurants - one of the reasons restaurant critics are the real heroes - is that whenever anyone has a grievance about any aspect of the business, they tell you about it.

The federal government is often said in militia circles to have made wholesale seizures of power, at times by subterfuge. A leading grievance holds that the 16th Amendment, which authorizes the federal income tax, was ratified through fraud.

I feel like most movies about female friends derive their conflict from an extension of the high school movie rivalries, or there's some petty grievance: a competition over a guy or a wedding date or something. And I don't relate to any of that.

Unions can play a valuable role in large organisations where it is difficult to talk to a thousand people. They can negotiate annual pay awards with management, represent grievance cases, and explain and advise on complicated changes in employment or pension law.

Don't get me wrong: politicians have been lying for a long time, long before Donald Trump was born, but the degree of just nonstop rage, grievance, prevarication, I haven't seen, probably because we haven't had a direct line from a politician's id to the public before.

What feminism sought to do, when you get right down to it feminism was brought to us by a bunch of angry women whose major grievance and beef was with human nature and God. And they sought to reverse, undo, change, whatever, basic human nature, things that we're born with.

We are making it very clear to all countries that nothing justifies terrorism. There are no political reasons that justify it; there is no cause, no grievance that justifies it. And we will do everything possible to make sure that all countries of the world understand that.

Like many of his fellow skyjackers, 49-year-old Arthur Gates Barkley was motivated by a complicated grievance against the federal government. In 1963, the World War II veteran had been fired as a truck driver for a bakery, after one of his supervisors accused him of harassment.

To me, race is not all about grievance. It is also about pride and empathy and humanity and understanding the value of difference. But along with that, there are also expectations that we should set for ourselves and for others. We should expect to be treated as equal citizens.

If people are worried, if they're fearful, if they feel a sense of grievance or that they're not being treated properly or that they're not being paid fairly, what you're going to have is you're going to have people doing the minimum amount of work necessary to not get fired, and not a peppercorn more.

When corporations refuse to practice due diligence by not establishing grievance mechanisms for remedy of abuses against the hidden 94% of their workforce in their global supply chains, they perpetuate a depraved model of profit-making that has driven inequality to a level now seen as a global risk in itself.

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