I'm kind of a grinder.

I'm a worker. I'm a grinder.

A system-grinder hates the truth.

My mom's a hustler. She a grinder.

Why does baloney avoid the grinder?

I would love to be a grinder on some race yacht.

I'm a grinder. I'll beat you because I will not sleep.

Writers like teeth are divided into incisors and grinders.

Caltech was a meat grinder like I could never have imagined.

I'm more of a grinder, just get out there and get the job done.

My dad was a big grinder, a tough guy. I inherited that from him.

I'm kind of a grinder. I'm a Cinderella, an underdog story who fights.

When Peyton played, he was a grinder. I mean he was up early and late.

Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.

This is going to sound really crude, but I lost my fingers in a meat grinder.

I was discovered, or mentored, by Norman Lear, who plucked me from the grinder of relative obscurity.

I'm going to be that gnarly guy that gets in somebody's face and makes it ugly. I'm a bit of a grinder.

I don't have hair anymore. I've shrunk. I'm barely 6 feet 2 inches. I just had my teeth fixed because I'm a grinder.

I think I created my own narrative, being a guy who kind of got chewed up and put through the grinder and coming out on top.

Frank's audience doesn't care if a girl singer, a comic or an organ grinder with a monkey opens the show. They are there to see HIM.

The president is supposed to stand up for the First Amendment and stand up for the free press - not put us through the meat grinder.

From 'The Money Store,' 'I've Seen Footage' seems to run the beats from Tone Loc's 'Wild Thing' and Salt-n-Pepa's 'Push It' through a rusty meat grinder.

I find television to be a bit like a meat grinder. It's like, you have a cow, you put it through a meat grinder, and out comes a hot dog. It's almost unrecognizable.

Black pepper is necessary to absorb the key antioxidants in most spices and foods, including turmeric, so get a pepper grinder and fill it with Tellicherry peppercorns.

Everything I've jumped into and tried and every experience I've had and career opportunity, including going to 'The Grinder,' it was just because it sounded exciting and fun and new and different.

People really in the meat grinder of the front lines are not, for the most part, insured or salaried network correspondents. They're young freelancers. They're kind of a cheap date for the news industry.

I respect the hell out of everyone who does a network show. That is a marathon. It's so many episodes, and it can be a meat grinder. Anyone making a network show, and on top of that making a very good network show, that's an insane feat of Herculean endurance and fortitude.

I've had an ACL replaced in my left knee, ACL replaced in my right knee, 50 percent of my meniscus taken out of my right knee, lower back fusion, C-6, C-7 fused in my neck, C-5, C-4 disk replacement, C-4, C-3 fused. I have 26, 27 concussions, hundreds of stitches. I've been through the grinder.

I think 'Nathan for You' is a really funny show, along with 'The Grinder' and 'Baskets.' I really like 'Man Seeking Woman.' It's the coolest show because they just do weird stuff, and it doesn't feel weird; they make it normal somehow, which I applaud. And 'Broad City' - I think those guys are awesome.

When any young director gets hired by a studio to do a $125 million film based on a preexisting piece of intellectual property, they're climbing into the meat grinder. And what you're coming out with on the other side is a generic, heavily studio-controlled pile of garbage that ends up on the side of Burger King wrappers.

When Elkins came forward I was absolutely ecstatic. It's a massive fight. Realistically he doesn't need to take this fight, but he did - good on him. I've got a lot of respect for him, but I think this is a very dangerous fight for him. Again, he's a grinder, he wears people down, but I don't wear out, especially when I'm in good condition.

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