I just love 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' man.

The IOC are the guardians of the Olympic ideal.

I hope there are 10 sequels to the 'Guardians' movie!

I kind of like to be one of the guardians of the game.

We did not choose to be the guardians of the gate, but there is no one else.

The thinkers of the world should by rights be guardians of the world's mirth.

As you'll find in 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2,' I'm not actually a space alien.

My Destroyed Universe is very similar to that of the 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'

In no instance have... the churches been guardians of the liberties of the people.

Sometimes I wonder if suicides aren't in fact sad guardians of the meaning of life.

Law enforcement must be guardians in our communities, not warriors against our own people.

'Gilmore Girls' and the first 'Guardians' were the two most substantial jobs of my career.

A 'Guardians' sequel and a 'Gilmore Girls' reboot right at the same time was really awesome.

One of the things that we've tried to do with the 'Guardians' films is to allow the women to be full characters.

I've always felt like there was less creative space on sets with guardians. I just felt independent at a young age.

More people come up to me and talk to me about 'Gilmore Girls' than anything else I've done, including 'Guardians.'

Guardians are necessary for children and abnormal adults, because they cannot make responsible choices for themselves.

I think of the Avengers as The Beatles, and the Guardians are the Rolling Stones. That is really how I feel about the groups.

By having Spider-Man exist in the same universe as the Guardians of the Galaxy... C'mon, that opens up so many possibilities!

There will be a 'Guardians 3,' that's for sure. We're trying to figure it out. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do. Really, that's all it is.

Classically, throughout all of our history, the movies in times of crisis have turned to military figures as heroes, because they are the guardians of our nation.

'Guardians Of The Galaxy' was, as 'Ant-Man' was, just fun, in terms of expanding this universe. We always say, how can we keep audiences surprise at what an MCU film can be?

It breaks my heart to hear of our theatres struggling to survive. As well as playing a vital role in community life, they're guardians of our heritage and should be cherished.

The guardians of your company's cyber security should be encouraged to network within the industry to swap information on the latest hacker tricks and most effective defenses.

The majority of my life is 'Guardians,' but being able to clean my brain a little bit by doing something totally different like 'Belko' was incredibly helpful to the creative process.

The bronze powder business, however, no longer required my personal attention, and was well managed by those I had chosen as the guardians of a secret, which was long and honourably kept.

Every time we make a movie, 'Guardians' included, 'Black Panther' included, 'Infinity War' included, we just feel lucky to be making that movie, and that's basically what the focus is on.

If the guardians of society, the protectors of 'young persons,' could have had their way, we should have known nothing of Byron or Shelley. The voices that thrill the world would now be silent.

In the past, a great library was the result of librarians functioning as guardians of culture, tending and caring, selecting and recommending works that maintained and nurtured a cultural heritage.

Your Guardians of Freedom is a new program that enables unit commanders and Airmen to quickly communicate with people affected by and interested in the mobilization and deployment of military people.

I feel that there's a lot of would-be guardians of the culture who think that high-minded literary purpose and the life that gets chronicled in the gossip columns, that these two things are incompatible.

'Guardians of the Galaxy' is tongue-in-cheek and has a sense of humor about itself. But it's nothing like 'Deadpool.' 'Deadpool' is this super-bizarre thing. The best thing about it is that it's R-rated.

The great houses of Britain have, for centuries, been the guardians of much of our history, not just of the families who built and lived in them, but of the people who worked there, of the local area, of all of us.

In the Saudi system, women are considered inferior. No matter our age, we have male guardians. We must get permission from men to attend school, to work, to marry, to travel overseas - even to have basic medical procedures.

We must never forget why we have, and why we need our military. Our armed forces exist solely to ensure our nation is safe, so that each and every one of us can sleep soundly at night, knowing we have 'guardians at the gate.'

You have the highest of human trusts committed to your care. Providence has showered on this favored land blessings without number, and has chosen you as the guardians of freedom, to preserve it for the benefit of the human race.

We are a continuum. Just as we reach back to our ancestors for our fundamental values, so we, as guardians of that legacy, must reach ahead to our children and their children. And we do so with a sense of sacredness in that reaching.

I'd rather go after the people who are the guardians or what we're doing - the news people and the politicians and that sort of thing. I always feel like those should be my targets, not really entertainers. That's just my personal opinion.

A country, people, and society are in a sorry state when the guardians of its democratic values and the rule of law are the officers of the armed forces who are forced to stand up to the mob and the politicians who incite it and kowtow to it.

The French consider themselves the guardians of the world's culture and do not bother to hide the fact, which is annoying, but Paris is still where good Americans want to go when they die - and Brits, Russians, and Chinese as well, these days.

People who are feeling bullied and people who feel like outsiders should talk to their parents and guardians about finding a place with likeminded people where they can feel accepted. That's what I needed, and that's what I found with musical theater.

One is struck in the study of saints, angels and gods by a pattern that seems quaint and harmless. Yet, it is so common that I know there must be a deeper meaning. There always seem to be guardians and spirits of doors, bridges, exits and entranceways.

Women are hit especially hard in regions of ongoing conflict. Before, during, and after conflict, women bear the brunt of the consequences of war. They are left as the providers and guardians, responsible for rebuilding their country one family at a time.

In the culture at large, the war over science fiction's creative validity has been long since won, but guardians at the gates of literature, movies, and TV linger unconvinced, even as other genres fitfully transcend critical perceptions of insubstantiality.

Greed and Gain, grim guardians of the great god Mammon, continually cry in the ears of the poor, 'Give us your little ones!' And forever do the poor push out their little ones at the imperious ukase, feeding the children to a blind Hunger that is never filled.

The guardians of French pharmacies - the lab-coated salespeople - are busy, serious, and probably know more about your face than you do. Therefore, don't interrupt them, and if they ask you if they can help you, for God's sake, let them. They will not steer you wrong.

With 'Guardians,' I knew way from the start what the plan was on this one. The harder thing for some actors is when you are doing a TV show like 'The Walking Dead' because you find out you're character is going to die a week before or even just a couple of days before.

I never witness a performance of child-acrobats, or the exhibition of any forced talent, physical or mental, on the part of children, without protesting, at least in my own mind, against the blindness and cruelty of their parents or guardians or whoever has care of them.

It's either 'Saw' made for $4 million or 'Star Wars,' 'Star Trek,' 'Guardians of the Galaxy' et cetera being made for $150 million. So the $30 and $40 million films don't get made unless they're maybe 'Ride Along.' But I don't really know why. I don't get paid to know why.

How can our hearts not break? How can we hold our tears? How can we bear the pain of losing those loving children and their guardians, who were slain in Newtown, Conn.? Why can't we face the reality of our times and restrict deranged people from having these destructive powers?

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