I've never been fired from an acting job.

I just love 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' man.

I'm great at fake typing but in real life terrible.

I know of the Daredevil comic because it's so iconic.

I just try to do justice to the scripts that are written.

No one sets out to make a bad movie or disappoint anybody.

I love the Avengers movies and Iron Man and Captain America.

I've been acting a long time. I've been a member of SAG since 1982.

I've always wanted to meet Robert Downey, Jr. because I think he's awesome.

Honestly, I know it sounds corny, but as an actor, I'm just so happy to have a job.

'Hunger Games' was an awesome job. I never had to learn any lines. I never had to do any ADR.

As an actor, I'm always just so pumped when I get any job. To be a working actor takes a lot of luck.

I think it would be fun to play a young Ozzy Osbourne in a movie about the formation of Black Sabbath.

I'm a movie nerd, and when I'm really looking forward to something coming out, the less I know, the better.

That's one of the cool things about being on a Marvel show: there's the possibility for all of these characters to collide.

I think the great thing about working for Marvel is no matter who is in the driver's seat, they seem to be making good stuff.

I had the good fortune to be in some movies when I was younger that, for whatever reason, people identified with or related with.

When I go home, I got a kid; I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about the character or anything that may or may not happen.

If you meet someone on the street that likes something that you did or likes the way you brought this character to life, that's really rewarding. That's really cool.

'Daredevil' is incredible, but I mean, 'The Mighty Ducks' put me in a conversation that I wasn't in before. I feel like I owe a lot of my career to being in those movies.

I was kind of burned out, a little jaded, and just sort of disillusioned by all the 'Mighty Duck' movies and everything just being about making money and not really caring about scripts anymore.

I just remember Freddie Prinze, Jr. being the nicest guy in the world. To the point where at first I thought, 'Hmm - there's no way anyone could be this nice.' But he really is one of the coolest dudes I've ever met.

This business is filled with really talented actors, and I'm sure there's a lot of guys out there who could have also brought something really special to the roles I have played. I just feel lucky that I get a chance to do them.

What's funny is I still, more than anything, get recognized for 'The Mighty Ducks.' I love it. When I was younger, I would get embarrassed. I played sports growing up, and I'd be playing baseball, and the other team would be quacking at me and stuff.

When I was a kid, I was in all 'The Mighty Ducks' movies, and that sort of created this weird thing when I was very young. And luckily, I had a lot of really good friends and family that kept me from, I guess, going down a more negative path that actors can go down.

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