Guarding and defending is not easy.

It's common to go from 'crashing the gate' to guarding it.

I think I'm the best at protecting the paint and guarding my man.

When I go on the basketball court, I don't think about who's guarding me.

In college, I prided myself on defense and guarding the best player every night.

I couldn't care less if the guy I'm guarding has HIV. I'm going to slam him anyway.

LANGUAGE, n. The music with which we charm the serpents guarding another's treasure.

It's how I've been playing my whole life, guarding the best player on the other team.

Jehovah is guarding all those loving him, But all the wicked ones he will annihilate.

In the NBA, there is a guy guarding you, and you really have to try shooting over him.

You build something but you cant live in the house because you sit around guarding it.

Charonte are guarding a Dimme? Is the world coming to an end and I missed the memo? (Stryker)

Always respect Mother Nature. Especially when she weighs 400 pounds and is guarding her baby.

Greatness is not guarding yourself from the people, Greatness is being accepted by the people.

Greatness is not guarding yourself from the people; greatness is being accepted by the people.

I was guarding the best player and getting 25 and having eight assists, and three-four steals.

Goal of mine is to make first team All-Defense. The way you do that is guarding the best players.

Leadership is absolutely about inspiring action, but it is also about guarding against mis-action.

It's hard to guard two dynamic players working together rather than guarding them going one-on-one.

During courtship, guarding each other's purity and refraining from intimacy are the acts of lovemaking.

As we are aware, Indo-China border is undemarcated. We have to be very vigilant while guarding the borders.

My mentality when guarding a point guard was always to try and disrupt him and take them out of the offense.

Scientists should be doing a better job of guarding their own reputations and of the general scientific community.

Your heart opens and of course you're completely panicked because you're used to guarding this organ with your life.

How many guards are doing what I'm doing guarding 1 through 5? How many bigs are guarding 1s the way I'm guarding 5s?

It's always a little gross when you're guarding someone and you can see, like, hair coming from underneath his jersey.

A rich woman seems to have all her banknotes about her, guarding her virtue, like a cuirass, in the lining of her corset.

I'm just very confident at all times. I've always been like that, no matter who's guarding me or who I'm on the court with.

Animals are also the ones that are guarding the graves, and they are the ones who communicate between the dead and the alive.

Playing shooting guard is different. On defense you have to chase guys around more. On the point I'm just guarding guys on top.

While we are guarding the country, we must accept being the guardian of the finest ethics. The country needs it and we must do it.

While we are guarding the country, we must accept being the guardian of the finest ethics. The country needs it and we must do it.

I've got the mind-set that I'm going to play as hard as I can, and I'm going to make the person guarding me work as hard as he can.

Offensively and defensively, I think I probably do a lot better in guarding people in transition and shooting the ball in transition.

[When you're on fire] it feels like nobody's out there, you're playing by yourself. You don't care how good a defender is guarding you.

Commercial banks are very good for certain businesses, like loans and guarding other people's money. They're not great investors or entrepreneurs.

As far as playing, I didn't care who guarded me - red, yellow, black. I just didn't want a white guy guarding me, because it's disrespect to my game.

I've always kinda guarded perimeter guys. I'm a little bit more comfortable guarding guys off screens. It kinda keeps me engaged in the game, locked in.

Today, our brave military men and women, just as those who have gone before them, stand on alert, securing freedom at home and guarding the innocent abroad.

Every action is seen to fall into one of three main categories, guarding, hitting, or moving. Here, then, are the elements of combat, whether in war or pugilism.

I try to take whatever the defense gives me, have a sense of urgency, know who's guarding me and pick my spots, get my teammates involved and also attack the rim.

When you're older and get more experience, the game slows down for you. I know exactly what spot to get to where I can always get my shot off no matter who's guarding me.

The fact of the matter is that whether it's in London or Egypt or Turkey or New York or Washington, we have to pay the price of guarding ourself, which is internal vigilance.

Even though the museums guarding their precious property fence everything off, in my own studio, I made them so you and I could walk in and around, and among these sculptures.

The strength that I have comes from irrigating the citrus plantation, ploughing in the vineyard, guarding the melon fields at night. I believe that's what gave me the strength.

I've gotten to the point where I'm comfortable guarding any position on the floor. It just didn't happen overnight. It came with a lot of work, a lot of film study and everything.

Me, guarding the best post players in the league, it definitely takes a toll on your body. But that's why I get massages regularly, cold tub, foot baths, rest and the weight room.

It's a war of wills out there on the court. You have to have a stronger will than your opponent, and every guy on your team has to feel that same way against the guy he's guarding.

I don't want anybody guarding me. I want to be free; I want to be left alone... I would like to go out there and have no one know me, but at the same time, it would bother me, y'know.

You have to stay locked in. You're so locked in on guarding your guy you figure when the ball goes up the bigs are going to get it. But the possessions not over until you get the rebound.

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