Regrets are the natural property of grey hairs.

The hairs stand up on the back of my neck at certain music.

A mechanical brow pencil can create the appearance of fine brow hairs.

The person who doesn't scatter the morning dew will not comb gray hairs.

I have a few grey hairs. I dye them. I don't let them show when I'm reading the news.

I had no fake ID and looked 14 until my first grey hairs came in a couple of years ago.

I don't know how people do this waxing thing. Now I just have all these bumpy ingrown hairs.

When I hear the bagpipes, it makes the hairs on my neck stand on end. It always makes me weep.

Gray hairs seem to my fancy like the soft light of the moon, silvering over the evening of life.

I'm riddled with cynicism. Whenever anyone says 'trust me,' the hairs go up on the back of my neck.

Gray hairs are signs of wisdom if you hold your tongue, speak and they are but hairs, as in the young.

I have a ton of broken baby hairs in front. It just comes with the territory of being a soccer player.

I've got crap teeth, crap hair. I never have facials. I still have hairs in the middle of my eyebrows.

If there are finer beings than German short hairs, I don't know what they are. In their eyes is peace.

I'm 38, and everyone is making a big deal out of it because I got a few gray hairs cropping in my sides.

If the hairs on my neck stand up while I'm writing, I figure the reader will get the same kind of shock.

By common consent gray hairs are a crown of glory; the only object of respect that can never excite envy.

I attend Internet conferences all the time, and they literally make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Maybe it sounds like I'm splitting hairs here but I don't wanna perform for a living, I wanna live for a living.

I don't want to get into splitting hairs. Trauma is trauma. I'm not in a position to quantify or qualify people's trauma.

It's fun to experiment like Rihanna, but if you start tweezing brow hairs excessively, I can guarantee they won't grow back.

Nothing dates one so dreadfully as to think someplace is uptown. At our age one must be watchful of these conversational gray hairs.

A fan once asked if he could have a piece of my hair for voodoo. I said no, so he hugged me and plucked out a couple of hairs and ran off.

I'm obsessed with the Clarisonic brush. It actually makes you feel like you've had a facial. It helps prevent ingrown hairs after shaving, too.

In the Gospels, we are reminded, 'The very hairs of your head are all numbered.' And your numbered hairs, like your numbered days, recede daily.

It doesn't matter how young or old you are, and whatever jersey you wear, you realise the derby games prick up the hairs on the backs of people's necks.

A handy pair of tweezers go a long way. You never know when you're going to have to pluck out a few of those eyebrow hairs. Keep the tweezers in the purse!

You could split hairs and bring up words like 'doo-wop' and terms like 'soul' or 'R&B', but I think pop music is what you want it to be - that's why it's pop.

For me, rockabilly is very, very exciting music. It's electric and kind of wild, you know? It's 'make your hairs stand up on the back of your neck' kind of music.

For a long time, I had this constant feeling that I just wanted to look behind me. The hairs on my neck were standing up all the time, I didn't know where was safe.

I've colored my hair so many times, and nobody tells you the damage it's going to do! I went blonde and lost all my baby hairs. I'm not coloring it anymore. Never again.

Tape is wonderful at preserving evidence - fingerprints, hairs, fibers. Tape preserves this, especially on the sticky side, even if the body's been out there for a year.

True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.

I don't have to psych myself up, or do something special mentally - I look through the scope, get my target in the cross hairs, and kill my enemy, before he kills one of my people.

Who can map out the various forces at play in one soul? Man is a great depth, O Lord. The hairs of his head are easier by far to count than his feeling, the movements of his heart.

The American people and American businesses are looking to the federal government to lead our nation on the path to economic recovery. It is time to stop splitting hairs. It is time to act.

Sovereigntism and separatism they are… it may seem like it's splitting hairs, but a lot of Quebecers are sovereignists - they respect the sovereignty of Quebec. They're not interested in separating.

It's always great to see grey hairs in a crowd; people who are older have been to a lot more gigs than the kids; they've seen everything, so seeing them in the crowd means we've earned their applause.

My son the other day was looking and found a grey hair and started crying because he thought I was going to die. That's a true story. So I had to assure him that a couple grey hairs doesn't mean I'm going to die.

I think most people, even if they say they hate horror movies, there's that feeling you get inside that you love. I mean, I love it. I love to have the hairs on the back of my neck stand up or get that chill up my spine.

People do not come to a Penn & Teller show to see a magic show. They just don't. They come to see weird stuff that they can see no place else, that will make them laugh and make the little hairs stand up on the backs of their necks.

The appendages of the skin are the nails, the hairs, the sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, and their ducts. The nails and hairs are peculiar modifications of the epidermis, consisting essentially of the same cellular structure as that membrane.

Many of us think in terms in parental determinism: 'If I push all the right buttons my kids are going to turn out OK.' I want to instill in myself and my people a wonderful dose, not of carelessness, but of God's sovereignty. He knows the hairs on your kids' heads.

The arteries are found in nearly every part of the animal body, with the exception of the hairs, nails, and epidermis; and the larger trunks usually occupy the most protected situations, running, in the limbs, along the flexor side, where they are less exposed to injury.

When we're dealing with the people in our family - no matter how annoying or gross they may be, no matter how self-inflicted their suffering may appear, no matter how afflicted they are with ignorance, prejudice or nose hairs - we give from the deepest parts of ourselves.

To outsiders it probably seems like splitting hairs, but to me, Bright Eyes is a simply the collaboration between myself and Mike Mogis and Nate Walcott. What you hear is definitely the sum of all our ideas and represents all three of us. But I still write the songs myself.

Aside from birthing me my first grey hairs and keeping me up at night more times than I'd like to count, 'The Subtle Art' taught me a lot about the nature of work. And a lot of that had to do with how my perception of the work itself evolved over the course of writing the book.

Wrestling has to be more aggressive. It has to be bigger; it has to translate to the back of a football stadium. With acting, when that camera is up close, they can see your nose hairs twitch, and you have to pull back everything for it not to look clownish. There is that different mindset.

When somebody wants to write an article attacking a scoring system or the influence of wine writers, who's right in the cross hairs? It's not Steve Tanzer, it's not Marvin Shanken, it's me. These other people, it's not like they don't have some influence, and I'm more than happy to share it.

My perspective is so much different now, being 41. The main difference between now and then is just realizing that your time will come to an end - and that it might not be far away. You see your face change, see the gray hairs sprouting up. When you're 24, you worry about the day you'll turn 40.

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