The head coach is the chemist.

I enjoy the challenge of being a head coach.

I want to be a better head coach than my father.

A team takes on the personality of the head coach.

I'm going to be the next head coach at Notre Dame.

Having a head coach pushing you is definitely a plus.

It's been a dream of mine to become a head coach in the NFL.

The head coach tells us what to do, and we follow his orders.

The head coach makes the decision about what's best for the team.

I think the tone that the head coach sets transcends to the team.

Whether I'm 'head coach' or 'manager,' it doesn't bother me at all.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be a head coach at some point.

I am happy and fortunate to join the Cincinnati Bengals as head coach.

Quarterbacks coach, I would do at Tennessee. Head coach? Absolutely not.

I knew as an assistant coach it wasn't my place to overstep the head coach.

Obviously if your head coach expects more of you, you bring it to the table.

What I would say is every assistant coach in the NBA wants to be head coach.

My head coach in Minnesota, Dennis Green, loved wideouts with plenty of size.

A head coach has to be able to oversee all facets of the team and of the game.

I want to be a general manager, and I want to be a head coach. Definitely both.

The biggest thing as a head coach, you want to make sure you exhaust every option.

The captain tag is something that every head coach in this league takes seriously.

Assistant coaches become a little bit more buddies to the players than a head coach.

The fault always lies in the candidate or the head coach or the guy holding the ball.

I'm a head coach. I'm not a politician, an activist, or an expert on societal issues.

I'm delighted and incredibly proud to be appointed as head coach of Newcastle United.

There's some things assistant coaches aren't ready to do. They're not the head coach.

I love Coach Zimmer. He's a tough head coach who stands behind his players 100 percent.

My heading was NBA head coach. I didn't want to be back in college for a lot of reasons.

When you are the invisible man to the head coach, the only option is to head for the exit.

The concept of head coach simply means being hyperfocused on the pitch and team performance.

I didn't do it the traditional way of being an assistant first and then becoming a head coach.

You and I are the players, God's our head coach, and we're all playing the biggest game of all.

I will miss the ladies and the passion of the Sun fans. I was proud to serve as their head coach.

My dream was to be an assistant college coach, maybe a head coach, maybe at a Division III school.

I have been manager, director, now I am head coach, and it's the same role. Absolutely the same role.

I always felt like, one of the niches is if you can recruit the SEC, you can be a head coach in the SEC.

It's always good when the offensive head coach and the quarterback think like-minded. That's a good thing.

Working as a head coach always seemed to be a bit short term. You lose five games and you're out of a job.

I thought I was doing very well at Florida. Then I get suspended. Then my head coach tells me to transfer.

From a planning standpoint, you want to surround a first-year head coach with quality coaches at all levels.

With a head coach, you make a mistake and learn. With a king, you make a mistake and get your head bitten off.

Governor is not the position to have in Oklahoma. It is the head coach of Oklahoma or Oklahoma State or Tulsa.

That's part of my prerogative as a head coach is that I can change my mind because if I'm wrong, I'll admit it.

Everybody sees me now, and I'm the head coach at Clemson and this and that, but my life hasn't always been this way.

As a head coach, you're on two lists. You're the guy that might get fired, or you're the guy who might go somewhere.

Your job, as a head coach and general manager, is to listen and not bypass any opportunity to help your team improve.

When I first became a head coach, even back in Minnesota, I'm going to go with the known and leave the unknown alone.

I think I bring a good perspective because I did a lot of things in the NFL - player, head coach, assistant and scout.

There's a lot of people who think in order to be a good head coach, you've got to be a head coach at a smaller school.

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