Network Spinal Analysis inspires us to trust the healing power within.

When you give a gift to one of God's children, you give a gift to God.

Healing is about being awake. Being broken and whole at the same time.

And a softness came from the starlight and filled me full to the bone.

Tears are God's gift to us. Our holy water. They heal us as they flow.

You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Use it.

Every time we help an animal, we are healing ourselves, over and over.

Getting in touch with unmet needs is important to the healing process.

We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.

In matters of healing the body or the mind, vacation is a true genius!

Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice.

Protesting is good, but healing is better. We need to see America heal.

Just because something is traditional is no reason to do it, of course.

Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past.

Solitude is for me a fount of healing which makes my life worth living.

Forgiving is the ultimate source of peace, healing and inner happiness.

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.

Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood affords.

Do not for one repulse, forego the purpose That you resolved to effect.

Learning to listen to ourselves is a way of learning to love ourselves.

Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing.

He's the best physician that knows the worthlessness of most medicines.

Self-nurturance, or learning to bask in bliss, is an acquired art form.

I make jokes because humor is the greatest healing factor that there is.

A wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal.

Reading was not a fallback position for her but an ideal state of being.

Be as radiant as the sun, as healing as the rain, as generous as a tree.

Love the truth. Let others have their truth, and the truth will prevail.

The heart of the person before you is a mirror. See there your own form.

The patients who constantly feel their pulse are not getting any better.

There is in the worst of fortune the best of chances for a happy change.

I believe in miracles . . . prayers that are answered and healing hands.

How do we transform loss? ... Time's healing balm is essentially a hoax.

I actually think sadness and darkness can be very beautiful and healing.

Tradition: how the vitality of the past enriches the life of the present.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature.

Writing is a way of processing our lives. And it can be a way of healing.

Hold a book in your hand and you're a pilgrim at the gates of a new city.

Beauty can't amuse you, but brainwork - reading, writing, thinking - can.

Believers in political faith-healing enjoy a supreme immunity from doubt.

The woods seemed all answer and healing and more than enough to live for.

I feel that poetry is going on all the time inside, an underground stream.

Even when muddy your wings sparkle bright wonders that heal broken worlds.

Love releases incredible energy that promotes the biochemistry of healing.

I found when I was a child that if I put the hurt into words, it would go.

I am looking forward to even greater healings and miracles in my ministry.

Sickness and disease are a change in awareness from comfort to discomfort.

Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.

Art opens the closets, airs out the cellars and attics. It brings healing.

At the back of my life's horizon, where the dreamings of past lives crowd.

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