Making night hideous.

The hideous god of war.

Life is a hideous thing.

The truth--a hideous spectacle!

The radio makes hideous sounds.

You're hideous, you know that, right?

Who seems most hideous when adorned the most.

Nothing is so hideous as an obsolete fashion.

Some jobs are just too hideous to contemplate.

It's an unbelievably tight race for hideous today.

Home is where my house pants live. And they're hideous.

Am I hideous, Jane? Very, sir: you always were, you know.

I've never been tempted to do these hideous furniture shoes.

Those two are a fastidious couple. She's fast and he's hideous.

Being a useful man has always seemed to me to be something truly hideous.

Old age appears hideous to us until we have to choose between it and death.

Tiny Tim? Anyone could sing like that. It's atrocious. It's hideous, really.

I am, as I am; whether hideous, or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.

These tabloid magazines - I think they're hideous and the downfall of society.

As an adult, it's a huge shock to be orphaned; as a child it's just hideous, ghastly.

Vice is a creature of such hideous mien... that the more you see it the better you like it.

Poverty, to be picturesque, should be rural. Suburban misery is as hideous as it is pitiable.

The bullying was hideous and relentless, and we turned it round by making ourselves celebrities.

I am terrified at the thought that so much hideous and bad music will be put on records forever.

Could the search for ultimate truth really have revealed so hideous and visceral looking an object?

You know, the environment is fragmenting, and the environment is, in many places, absolutely hideous!

There is one, and only one, thing in modern society more hideous than crime namely, repressive justice.

Even my aunt Joan, hopelessly sentimental about every member of our family, admitted that I was hideous.

I have a bit of a lava lamp fetish. They are kind of hideous, but there is something so therapeutic about them.

I come from one of these hideous backgrounds where being sincere is like - ugh, you might as well kill yourself.

There are so many beautiful girls who aren't photogenic. In real life, half the models you see look really hideous.

I can never really remember what I look like. I'm just sort of neutral. I don't think I'm sort of, you know, hideous.

I do not know who I am, where I am going - and I am the one who has to decide the answers to these hideous questions.

ISIL are already using the Internet for hideous propaganda purposes - for radicalisation, for operational planning, too.

Communism was something so hideous that you had to be an exceptional conformist or a fool not to see the evil around you.

Rap's conscious response to the poverty and oppression of U.S. blacks is like some hideous parody of sixties black pride.

I have friends who are going through chemotherapy, and they make the darkest, most hideous cancer jokes you've ever heard.

And learn to tie a bow - it's not difficult and there's no excuse for either a clip-on or the hideous Hollywood straight tie.

I've often dreamed about going back to Nigeria, but that's a very romantic notion. It's a hideous country to go to in reality.

Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing.

I think understanding is the way to gain perspective - and therefore can live among those hideous realities. You can live with them.

Whining writers are a hideous sight; we should really shut up, because we are lucky if we can cobble together a living from all of this.

One can no longer live with people: it is too hideous and nauseating. Owners and owned, they are like the two sides of a ghastly disease.

State formation has been a brutal project, with many hideous consequences. But the results exist, and their pernicious aspects should be overcome.

Spare me the whispering, crowded room, the friends who come and gape and go, the ceremonious air of gloom - all, which makes death a hideous show.

There is other disturbing facts surround the hideous 911 attacks, which my family and I could see from the third floor bathroom window of our homes!

I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was plain weird.

I only ever play Vegas one night at a time. It's a hideous, gaudy place; it may not be the end of the world per se, but you can certainly see it from there.

I wasn't one of those hideous children who make their parents sit through hour-long performances when you're seven. I didn't do anything like that thankfully.

Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous.

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