I'm bad at hiding my emotions.

Try is the opposite of hiding.

I spent much of my life hiding.

Isn't everyone hiding something?

Dad is always hiding in his book.

I think it was hiding a princess.

My day is spent hiding from people.

Inside everybody's hiding something.

Somebody is always hiding something.

Actors are bloody marvelous at hiding.

Liabilities are just assets in hiding.

I'm not the best at hiding my emotions.

You can't find peace by hiding from life

Hiding spending does not reduce spending.

Wealth is conspicuous, but poverty hides.

Evil hiding among us is an ancient theme.

For a goalkeeper, there is no hiding place

Is there anybody hiding there in the dark?

Every liability is just an asset in hiding.

What are you hiding? No one ever asks that.

There's no hiding place for someone of my size.

Language can be very adept at hiding the truth.

In America, everyone's always hiding their age.

Language is a finding place, not a hiding place.

Dignity is a mask we wear to hide our ignorance.

I have to find work wherever it might be hiding.

Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding.

I've been hiding from the real world all my life.

To know how to hide one's ability is great skill.

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.

Happiness is the greatest hiding place for despair.

Hope is nature's veil for hiding truth's nakedness.

I think people respect honesty rather than hiding it.

Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.

There is no hiding the fact I'm an avid Millwall fan.

I don't believe in muckin' about and hiding ambition.

I'm not hiding anything. What you see is what you get.

Hiding out with the enemy brings only temporary relief.

When I stopped hiding who I am, I started writing hits.

For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans.

The state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight.

There are some things your mind has been hiding from you.

I've been hiding crucial events in my life since I was 13.

It used to hurt me when people said I was hiding in Wales.

We're artists too, but we do a good job hiding it, don't we?

Find god - he isn't hiding from you, you're hiding from him.

In the clear mind of virtue treason can find no hiding-place.

I'm not hiding from anyone. I am who I am, and I'm not perfect.

Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place.

I come from a background of hiding everything behind a computer.

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