I have an appetite to always learn.

People will always want a free lunch.

Everybody thinks they deserve something.

Entrepreneurs bring to business... creativity.

Free speech is not a bogus issue. It is an issue.

The rehearsal is where it all happens for an actor.

Look first at management. That's the key to a company.

I'm not hiding anything. What you see is what you get.

If you are an entrepreneur, you have to think outside of the box.

When your in the movie business you have a start date and a stop date.

There is a big cry in California to stop everyone from running to Canada.

I may have a slightly paranoid nature, a fear of losing control of my life.

I'm not saying I'm a paragon of virtue, but it's hard for me not to be honorable.

You've got the federal government in every part of our lives, doing things wrong.

Yes, I loved MASH. As we are sitting here now talking, it's playing somewhere in the world.

People in Hollywood are going make pictures where ever it's the least expensive to make them.

When you start a sentence with the word 'illegal', you've got nowhere to go. An illegal is illegal.

I believe it's easier to be an actor. Somehow, interviewing seems to be intrusive on people's lives.

As far as cutting jobs, you could cut whole agencies out of the federal government and not miss them.

If you could wean yourself off of oil and not be dependent on the Middle East, obviously it's better.

Those differences are what color the performance, but in the movies you don't get a chance to rehearse.

Villains never know they are villains in a picture so I play this like I'm the nicest guy in the world.

Acting is doing. It's not speaking; it's behavior. It's something happening, even if you're only listening.

Everybody thinks about Bo Derek as being this extravagant looking lady but she is also a wonderful actress.

Our children and grandchildren are not going to have the same standard of living unless we educate that workforce.

I hate television, but that's me. It's like sucking your thumb. It's a wonderful thing for keeping the masses enslaved.

The world is getting smaller and smaller every day. We cannot find ourselves dependent on somebody who is untrustworthy.

I'm one of those actors who likes to do it wrong nine ways before I come to the tenth way, which is the way I think it should be.

The best government is the least government. In some areas, I'm libertarian. I don't subscribe to any one party; they are all bad.

I like to create a nice environment and let people reveal themselves instead of trying to trick them or surprise them with a hidden question.

When it comes to jobs, jobs are just like products in the sense that the free market operates and sees that somebody gets paid what they're worth.

There is no fun in getting into a debate or a contest of wills. If something important comes out of the conversation, okay. If not, that's okay, too.

You trivialize the idea of competition totally, then there's no point in having the competition in the first place, and everybody is getting a trophy.

We own a shopping center in Temecula that is occupied and making money. In Florida, I am doing a 500-home subdivision just north of Eglin Air Force Base.

We're headed towards a fascist economy in which you have big government, big corporations and big labor, and they're all in cahoots to strangle the entrepreneur.

You're in the public eye and you just hope that people don't come up and interrupt you while your in the middle of a meal or a conversation or something like that.

I'd heard stories about business managers who lost their client's money. My feeling was that if I made any money, I wanted to lose it myself, to be the author of my own demise.

What I would really like to do is live in a university town and be an intellectual bum. I just want to write, read, whatever. I'm very eclectic. I read every night until my eyes burn.

I love to be in the position of not knowing what I'm gonna do, but having rehearsed all of those so when something happens with the others actors I go with whatever that is I'm getting.

We have morons representing us. People who go up and vote for a bill that they have never read - I mean, are we crazy? Are we insane to hand over our government to those kinds of people?

Everything that is large and institutional should be distrusted, even though it may be the best around. The Internal Revenue Service doesn't trust me, so why should I trust them? It's a quid pro quo arrangement.

It's not up to the employer to decide or to figure out what religious problems you may have as an employee. In other words, if I'm inquiring about your religious peculiarities or whatever they may be, I'm invading your privacy about that.

I have no great desire to play a great role. You can't make quality on TV anyway. It's always a manure pile. You're on the top, or you're on the bottom, but it's still a manure pile, and I'm not sure the movie industry isn't like that, too.

To wash dishes is not the same as a guy running a numerically-controlled machine. That guy running a numerically-controlled machine is going to get a higher level of pay because his training is higher, and he should get a higher level of pay.

I have always been interested in theater, as an actor and as someone who looks upon theater - at the risk of sounding pretentious - as an icon by which we measure society... My life has been in the theater to an extent. It's only an extension to write, direct, produce, whatever.

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