I love 'Homeland.'

'Homeland' is great.

I like 'Homeland' a lot.

A Homeland, A State, A Leader.

My homeland is the portuguese language.

There's a high head count on 'Homeland.'

I'm so addicted to 'Homeland' right now.

'Homeland' is not a sensationalist show.

A man's homeland is wherever he prospers.

Let's be proud of our homeland once again!

This is my homeland no one can kick me out.

We live on earth; our homeland is in heaven.

Our power lies in our love of our homelands.

I loved doing 'Homeland.' I loved playing Brody.

To an old man any place that's warm is homeland.

I've done a lot of things away from my homeland.

I'm obsessed with 'Homeland.' It's not even okay.

Homeland of patience, land of the Russian people.

As a writer, my homeland is the desk where I work.

Where can I free myself of the homeland in my body?

We have to heal so many open wounds in our homeland.

My homeland is not a suitcase, and I am no traveller

Homeland or death! Socialism or death! We shall overcome!

Ports are the gaping hole in America's homeland security.

'Homeland' is great at challenging our preconceived ideas.

I am a Jew, and I'm convinced that Israel is the homeland.

Canada is the homeland of equality, justice and tolerance.

Only Arab Israel, the land of Israel, is our true homeland.

Instead of a homeland I hold the metamorphoses of the world.

I feel that I have grown so much as an actor being on 'Homeland'.

I feel that I have grown so much as an actor being on 'Homeland.'

The characters, to me, in 'Homeland' are not one note in any way.

Homeland is something one becomes aware of only through its loss.

There's no bigger task than protecting the homeland of our country.

I feel gigantic affection for all of Homeland Security at airports.

I've built my homeland, I've even founded my state - in my language.

I love 'Homeland.' I think it's such a well-done, well-acted TV show.

'Homeland' does have that ability to tear the rug out from under you.

Everyone knows I'm very close to my family, my hometown, my homeland.

Terror threats to the U.S. homeland have reached unprecedented levels.

The FBI assesses HVEs are the greatest terrorism threat to the homeland.

For a man who no longer has a homeland, writing becomes a place to live.

I say there is not more happiness for me than the freedom of my Homeland.

The South Downs of England reminded me a bit of my Old Virginia homeland.

Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?

There is no telling how many wars it will take to secure freedom in the homeland.

Twenty-six million Russians died in the defense of their homeland against the Nazis.

We signed up for Showtime, which I think put us on a Homeland Security list somewhere.

When I was 10 years old, I fled my homeland amid the bomb blasts of civil war in Sudan.

A long time ago, I read in a book that a woman's homeland is wherever she fell in love.

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