I've never liked to judge other people in the hope that they won't judge me.

I hope that people learn from my mistake and I hope that the fans forgive me.

I hope when I'm on my deathbed, people forgive me, because there is a lot to forgive.

People have said to me 'I hope you won't let happen in Washington what is happening in Kansas.'

I'm here to govern for everybody and I hope that people judge me on my merits and what I can do.

My career has been driven with the hope of telling stories, as it helps me to judge people less.

I hope that when people with Down's see me, they will be inspired to do more than they think they can.

I hope people remember me as a guy who brought magic to the people. You know, pushed the boundaries of wonder.

To just meet people that have Crohn's or colitis and to hear their stories gives me a lot of hope and a lot of courage.

I would hope that young girls could relate to me and see that the lives of people on the internet are not as perfect as they seem.

You know, I hope that someday they make a movie about me. People need to know the story of 'Dolemite;' they need to know my story.

The characters are whole, real people to me that I'm getting to know, and since real people are all flawed, so are my characters, I hope.

I played Duryodhan, the young prince, 28 years ago. People still identify me as Duryodhan. But at 55, I cannot hope to play a 25-year-old.

People always ask me if I'm going to stop modeling because I have started an acting career. I hope to continue to model for years to come.

I hopefully try to find people and projects that my gut instinctively points me towards, and hope that there's some type of rhyme to them later.

I want to create this pool of talent to draw from, and I hope that people get inspired to make more web series and bring them to me to help develop.

I just want people to leave a show and go, 'That was the most rockin' show I've ever seen.' I hope people can just roll with me a little bit - you know?

Everywhere I go, particularly when there's people who know me or recognize me, I get the warmest hugs and happiest sighs full of hope and full of relief.

These people are real to me, and situations keep coming up where their emergence feels natural. It's like meeting old friends. I hope readers feel the same way.

I haven't written my own epitaph, and I'm not sure I should. Whatever it is, I hope it will be simple, and that it will point people not to me, but to the One I served.

I'm trying to provide entertainment, and I hope that people can realize that it takes more than just me playing a shot in 30 seconds or 40 seconds for us to call it slow play.

Meeting Stevie Wonder was a massive, lifetime achievement for me. He's one of the sweetest people. I sense a kindred spirit in him, and I hope he'd say the same. Actually, he did.

I always hope people will like me, and I'm always afraid they will think I'm a fraud. I try harder than perhaps I should to make people like me, then it backfires. They think I'm a buffoon.

I saw some comments in regards to my son, people saying: 'I hope your son gets corona.' That's the hard part for me. If you respond to that, people then go: 'Ah, we've got him' and they keep doing it.

I'm not deluded enough to think that everyone who knows my name is a listener. You know, I hope that part of that interest - part of that public interest - has to do with me still making records that people like.

I think there is definitely a message behind Cyborg that is needed for people to hear and what he represents and the resilience of the human spirit. I hope it means as much to people watching it as it meant to me to do it.

There are smart people on our side of the aisle who have known as early as I did who Obama was and should have been saying 'I hope this guy fails' right along with me. There should have been opposition to this guy all along.

This disease of addiction has touched not just me but millions of Americans out there. Me being in the spotlight, I want to tell my story because there are a lot of misconceptions. I want to let people out there know that there's hope.

If I were to have seen more people that looked like me - because I'm Palestinian and Lebanese - and talked like me and acted like me, I probably would have had a lot more hope knowing that I wasn't alone. I really hope that this show, 'Champions,' gives that to people.

During 'Chicago Hope,' I never let directors talk to me, because I was so spoiled. I started off with people like Milos Forman, Sidney Lumet, James Lapine, unbelievably gifted people. So there I was, saying, 'Don't talk to me, I don't want your opinion.' I behaved abominably.

Everyone likes a bit of variety. I'm sure none of my readers only want to read about anti-heroes or villainous protagonists any more than they only want to read about square-jawed heroes doing the right thing. I just write characters than entertain me and hope they'll be ones that other people want to read about, too.

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