Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by ...

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.

Peter Jones is hot.

Drop it like it's hot.

Being hot never hurts!

Want a hot dog, McMahon?

It's hot as hell as can be.

This is Earth. Isn't it hot?

When the iron is hot, strike.

Biblical names are hot again.

Like a cat on a hot tin roof.

to be black is to be very-hot.

I deliver my Truth hot and hard.

Hot and hasty, like a Scotch jig.

Strike the iron whilst it is hot.

Hot legs, bring your Mother, too.

I'd say mostly I paint hot chicks.

Avoid hot stocks in hot industries.

All the girls in Australia are hot.

Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

Too hot to handle, too cold to hold!

Art is a hot soup in this cold world!

I like to fish when it's not too hot.

Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day.

When you're hot, anything can happen.

Hot hate is twin brother to hot love.

To go like a cat upon a hot bakestone.

I was an infinitely hot and dense dot.

Deepika Padukone is hot and attractive

I like the hot dogs at Dodger Stadium.

Robots... I think that is a hot topic.

There are some hot girls in Vancouver.

Dating a older woman- hot" Emmet Cullen

It was hot, the night we burned Chrome.

God is an iron... and that's a hot one.

President Bush, have a hot dog with me.

Your piping-hot lie is the best of lies.

Everyone checks out my mom. My mom's hot.

Beware the person who is on a hot streak.

If you're not hot I don't care about you.

Tall girls are hot. Short girls are cute.

Arsene Wenger is sitting on the hot chair

There are so many hot, sexy women in L.A.

I have no balance. My life is a hot mess.

I am a hot-blooded fire and I am fearless.

Life is so groovy when your record is hot.

I was not the hot, popular girl in school.

My guilty pleasure is Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

Envy's a coal comes hissing hot from Hell.

A man from hell is not afraid of hot ashes.

Soup is never eaten as hot as it is cooked.

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