Human beings crave freedom at their core.

A human being is all hope and impatience.

Human beings have always been mythmakers.

The perfect human being is uninteresting.

Being a good human being is good business.

Human beings have an instinct for freedom.

Every human being has an impact on another.

Man is the greatest being that ever can be.

A human being can stand any amount of pain.

Human beings create more than they destroy.

I love, I love human beings, studying them.

What constitutes the authentic human being?

As human beings, it's good to build stories.

The greatest miracle of all, the human being.

We're all human beings; people make mistakes.

A movie is about human beings, about humanity.

Peace begins in the heart of all human beings.

There is no end to the power a man can obtain.

God is not free from human beings but for them.

The Bible was written by fallible human beings.

We're all quite vulnerable human beings really.

Human beings disappear; their histories remain.

Fiction is about what it is to be a human being.

I am truly grateful. I'm a grateful human being.

Human beings are a wonderful virus in some ways.

Human beings do not eat nutrients, they eat food.

I photograph Nature, which includes human beings.

I'm fond of human beings, but only one at a time.

I'm a human being, god-dammit. My life has value!

I know that human beings are capable of anything.

Civilization itself is housed in the human being.

A truly living human being cannot remain neutral.

You can be a good human being and just be shrewd.

Human beings are flawed and complicated and messy.

Human beings rarely do things for a binary reason.

I am really fascinated by human beings, fascinated!

Angels possess greater powers than do human beings.

People love to put human beings or actors in boxes.

Love other human beings as you would love yourself.

We as human beings like to be cocksure and certain.

It is by suffering that human beings become angels.

Houses are like the human beings that inhabit them.

As a human being, Joan Crawford is a great actress.

Human beings are much bigger than just making money.

The BJP regards Muslims as Indians and human beings.

No human being is so bad as to be beyond redemption.

When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic.

Humankind is never what he is but the self he seeks.

Every human being in the human form has limitations.

My kids are the funniest two human beings there are.

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