From the beginning, I wanted to make dance music with a human element to it.

Buying food from farmers and people that I know adds that human element that I love.

A lot of electronic music out there feels cold. I want to incorporate a human element.

I like the nice guys. I like when they show the stories, the human element behind it all.

Ultimately, we're in the service business. We will always have an important human element.

When I'm covering a story, it's not just about gathering facts, but it's gathering the human element as well.

The human element, the human flaw and the human nobility - those are the reasons that chess matches are won or lost.

There's just a natural human element to a great song that feels immediately satisfying. I like the song to create a mood.

There's a human element here you start to lose when you start rattling off the best mathematical equation to get the out.

I just don't play a character for the heck of it. Rather, I always look for a human element in every character that I play.

You have to tell a super story that has some fantastical element, but the human element is what's going to keep people watching.

When you have put all your faith in man and continue to be disappointed, don't you hope there is something out of there that is not of human element?

Christ does not fulfill the human element, but he certainly fulfills every other need in your life. As far as I'm concerned, there's no better love affair.

It's the details and the human element that makes 'Recount' entertaining. Even though we know how the election ends, it plays like a thriller. It's also funny.

I try to find the human element in the character's problem. And often, it is; even if the struggle is grand and on a worldwide scale, the problem is very personal.

The human element should be the two players on the court, not the officials. The best officials are the ones you never notice. The nature of the game made officials too noticeable a part.

I like to branch out as much as I can, but I feel like the movies that are closest to my heart are 'The Wackness' and '50/50' - the ones that are dramedies that have that human element to them.

We fight wars from progressively great heights and distances, the blessings of technology steadily removing the personal human element from what was historically an extremely personal experience.

The human element and human judgment around understanding the physics of machines and the process, and how those come together, I think there's going to be a balance we all need to figure out how to strike.

Sometimes what I think what the news is missing is the human element, the connection - the moment that you look into a little girl's eyes or a father who has just left his family and risked everything just to try and survive.

Our life is half natural and half technological. Half-and-half is good. You cannot deny that high-tech is progress. We need it for jobs. Yet if you make only high-tech, you make war. So we must have a strong human element to keep modesty and natural life.

Most American films have now become mindless. The human element has been removed, so you are just left with the surrogate human, which is the robot, so coincidentally or, rather, ironically, they are making films about robots, without realising they are talking about themselves.

I'm an old soul. The blues, especially older blues, is the human element that kind of gives the music soul, and I think that maybe not enough people connect to the blues. It's a very powerful place to be; and if you can express that to an audience, I think that you can express a lot through that.

That part of Christ's nature which was profoundly human helps us to understand him and love him and to pursue his Passion as though it were our own. If he had not within him this warm human element, he would never be able to touch our hearts with such assurance and tenderness; he would not be able to become a model for our lives.

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