We all have human emotions that rob our lives.

I wanted to connect my guitar to human emotions.

I don't experience basic human emotions. It's not my thing.

I'm really drawn to relationship stories and human emotions.

Bigg Boss' is all about human emotions, it's not a formatted show.

When you are talking about human emotions, stardom doesn't matter.

Poets have always celebrated grief as one of the deepest human emotions.

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.

Yogis have human emotions, but the thing is not to let anger and doubt become an obsession.

One of the reasons I took up acting was to learn to be more human, to get in touch with human emotions.

I've written a number of books that have to do with the evolution of humans, human intelligence, human emotions.

Markets as well as mobs respond to human emotions; markets as well as mobs can be inflamed to their own destruction.

Despite what everyone thinks about science fiction, ultimately, at its best, it's about human beings with human emotions.

The questions of philosophy proper are human desires and fears and aspirations - human emotions - taking an intellectual form.

'Rome' plays on universal human emotions that hopefully people can relate to. Historians are always going to be offended by it.

I want women to really feel how honest and vulnerable I am and to understand that they are not alone and that these are all human emotions.

I became an actress and studied human emotions so that I could give the gift of feelings to my son. This is what my whole journey has been about.

Music does communicate across language and racial and religious and philosophical barriers. It is one of the most distilled forms of human emotions.

So while it is true that I find really dark stuff funny sometimes, it's also true that as a writer of books I want to have the whole range of human emotions.

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.

Maybe there's a chance to get back to grown-up films. Anything that uses humor and dramatic values to deal with human emotions and gets down to what people are to people.

In fact, one of the descriptions of the character in the book is that 'IT' was not very good at replicating human emotions. And that's something that is overlooked in general.

Amazon is famously run by studying and responding to its own data; yet when it comes to promotions, decisions are often subjective and guided by human emotions and petty political dynamics.

Even in the deepest love relationship - when lovers say 'I love you' to each other - we don't really know what we're saying, because language isn't equal to the complexity of human emotions.

Jayalalithaa was brutalised from the age of 16 in the cinema world. She therefore bears a psychotic pleasure in humiliating people as she was humiliated. She was deadened to normal human emotions.

When you're making a film, you become incredibly close. It's not like you're filing away papers all day. You're creating with human emotions, so you do become very connected, so it is familial and romantic.

Medicine is probably one of the best backgrounds for a writer to find stories. I always think cops and docs have the best background because we see so much of human behavior, such a range of human emotions.

The concept of 'DAM999' is very interesting, which director Sohan Roy has written. The entire idea was to capture or encapsulate the nine rasas depicting different human emotions in the backdrop of dam disaster.

I'm interested in taking raw human emotions and then isolating them without any narrative structure. In order to achieve this, I try to break out of the narrative conventions that you'd see in a typical feature film.

If Mark Zuckerberg doesn't understand something, it's not defeat. It's not even something he has to accept. It's merely a challenge he needs to engineer his way out of, and that includes human emotions and relationships.

We like movies that are going to have a great sense of fun and thrill to them while at the same time remain very grounded in relatable human emotions and conflicts that the audiences can get behind and root for and empathise with.

Your movie becomes much more narrow-minded when you have like-minded department heads. Whereas if you can surround yourself with people who have been a mother before, been a grandmother before, you get a much broader and wide-reaching swath of human emotions.

The office of drama is to exercise, possibly to exhaust, human emotions. The purpose of comedy is to tickle those emotions into an expression of light relief; of tragedy, to wound them and bring the relief of tears. Disgust and terror are the other points of the compass.

There is a lot of work out there to take people out of the loop in things like medical diagnosis. But if you are taking humans out of the loop, you are in danger of ending up with a very cold form of AI that really has no sense of human interest, human emotions, or human values.

If I'm going to be honest about it, I think men get to do this sort of thing all the time. You look at countless performances by great male actors who get to play the whole gamut of human emotions. Women aren't regularly allowed to do that, and I don't know why people are so frightened by it.

Seriously, how many times do you see Asian-American characters that have an actual family, feelings? You don't see them love and be sad and have all the human emotions. I think that 'Gilmore Girls' is one of the very, very few where we were offered a chance to explore these characters multidimensionally.

A lot of ancient poetry sees in nature a reflection of human emotions, and in a post-industrialized era, once people have become more aware of the necessity of a more harmonious relation between man and nature, we need to build cities which can connect with human spiritual needs instead of being merely functional.

I spent a lot of my adult life overcoming fear. It was a subject I knew a lot about, and it's one of the most important and most powerful human emotions. Fear is one of the greatest driving forces in the world. So I thought I could go into the horror genre and do things differently and contribute a different point of view.

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