If you blink, you will miss me, but I am in 'Malcolm X.'

A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me.

I know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am so if you don't like it, tough!

Oftentimes, the post safety will eye me up pre-snap a lot of times and know where I am.

My upbringing in Canada made me the person I am. I will always be proud to be a Canadian.

I am mostly concerned about the script. If I get something that excites me, I will do it.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?

I am not saying all Muslims are wrong or are terrorists or criminals. You will never hear me say that.

I am very sure that I won't be acting till my last breath, but I will do something graceful that suits me.

I am a greedy actor in the sense that I like the big bites. Put a big fat steak in front of me, and I will eat it.

I have always wanted to play in the Premier League because I am a fast, strong player, and I think it will suit me.

God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die.

I am working on my English skills that will help me on the pitch. Communication between each other makes our job much easier.

When you are too specific on a target, it can drain you. Ask me where I will be when I am 60, and I will have no answer to give.

Well, you know, first of all, let me just say that I am a proud member of the NRA and have been, and I'm a lifetime member and will always be.

My public is growing up just as I am. After all, I'm not 19 anymore and if I stick with the sex bit, who will be paying to see me when I'm 50?

And now, dear sister, I must leave this house or the retreating army will make me a prisoner in it by filling up the road I am directed to take.

I am so infinitely happy that he loves me so much, and I pray that it will always be like this. It won't be my fault if he ever stops loving me.

I am a very outspoken person, and if something makes me uncomfortable, you will know that it makes me uncomfortable, but that's as far as it goes.

To me, providing a new economic way forward is of utmost urgency and will be of foremost importance for the new DPP administration if I am elected.

One thing for sure is that I am not going to attempt to knock Barrera out. My boxing ability and my speed are the attributes that will get me the win.

You will, I am sure, agree with me that... if page 534 only finds us in the second chapter, the length of the first one must have been really intolerable.

Some praise me because I am a colored girl, and I don't want that kind of praise. I had rather you would point out my defects, for that will teach me something.

Color possesses me. I don't have to pursue it. It will possess me always, I know it. That is the meaning of this happy hour: Color and I are one. I am a painter.

Forget not, O Lord, that I am one of those whom Thou hast created, and with Thine own blood hast redeemed. I repent me of my sins: I will strive to amend my ways.

It's not about me, it's about you, the customer. And if I am effective in making what I do about you, and I can enhance you and elevate you, you will support me forever.

Those trying to drag me down through piracy, I want to tell them that I will somehow achieve what I want. I am focused enough to achieve what I want and give the audience what I can.

I yearn for intellectual sustenance on vacation but want, of course, to avoid tedium or boredom. I want to read something that will entertain me but also help me appreciate what I am seeing.

Once you get to know me, you would know in a second that I am an East Coast girl. You can tell because I'm not flaky, and I will tell you how it is. I also walk faster than they walk in L.A.

If someone doesn't want to hire me because they think I'm too vocal, fine. I will do a play. I will always find a job. Let them try to get me out of this industry. I am not going to be silenced!

I am sure it will be mentioned and debated but from my standpoint I know who is in the Hall of Fame. A lot of them don't belong in the Hall of Fame. If someone wants to debate me, check the stats.

When I'm out and about, it's rare for me to be recognized. But for some reason, every now and then, someone will know who I am. It might be because my picture occasionally appeared in 'Weekly Jump.'

Let me clarify it through the national news agency that I am not joining Aam Aadmi Party. There has been reports that I will be officially joining AAP, but I can assure you that nothing of that sort is happening.

I'm honored to join a very distinguished group of footballers to appear on the cover of 'FIFA.' Most of all, I am humbled that the fans have chosen me, and I will strive to make them proud with my performance on the pitch.

Studios might not be able to figure out my leanings, but anyone who visits my blog or reads my Twitter feed or meets me in person will realize right away that I am a huge superhero fan and a fanatic about Superman in particular.

There are bands that I am friends with, who will invite me up on stage. Like Les Savy Fav, who have had me on stage, and I have played on their record. There are a couple of bands like that. Yo La Tengo has invited me to play with them.

I try to do as many different roles as the system will allow me. That's the benefit of not being in a giant blockbuster where you're the lead and you get typecast in that kind of role. I am able to slip in or out of a lot of different parts.

I join with Governor Rick Snyder and thousands of grassroots supporters and activists from across the state of Michigan in asking you all to please help me in supporting Pete Hoekstra, who I am proud to endorse. He will be our next United States senator.

I do revel slightly in the fact that I am what I am - an English, middle-class, public-school-educated bloke. There is a reputation with that of being slightly stiff, but whoever gets to know me will see some other element - whether it be vulnerable or silly or camp.

I can go to my premiere at the Chinese Theatre, and everyone will know me, and everyone will cater to me. And then I'll go to an audition and get rejected left, right and centre. They don't watch my videos, and they don't really know who I am. It is like starting from scratch when it comes to traditional Hollywood.

I often get attacked in Saudi Arabia, but the critics don't ridicule my ideas. There were about 30 or 40 articles attacking me in the Saudi press. Not a single one debated something I wrote. They just ridiculed me as a person. They see me as a traitor who is writing in the foreign press. But discuss what I am writing? They will not.

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