We have very good fish in Iceland.

Come on, I'm from Iceland; I don't do hip-hop.

There's this feeling of creativity in Iceland.

Depression hangs over me as if I were Iceland.

The memories of shooting in Iceland are amazing.

I would like to go to Iceland to see the northern lights.

Iceland won't change. No matter who they play, they're 4-4-2.

I'd love to go to Easter Island, Hawaii, Iceland and Antarctica.

I love hiking in Iceland most, there are lots of brilliant paths.

Iceland, I'm in love with that country, the people are incredible.

I have two Iceland horses, a very hairy dog called Looney, and a guinea pig.

I couldn't cook. I could put a pizza from Iceland in the oven, but that was it.

People are always asking me about eskimos, but there are no eskimos in Iceland.

My dad played in Iceland and I think went over to Sweden for a couple of years.

Everything is expensive in Iceland, especially food, and especially healthy food.

Few people take an interest in Iceland, but in those few the interest is passionate.

My sister and I visited Iceland in 2001, and I incorporated it into 'Pretty Little Liars.'

I consider myself more a European director who is from Iceland than an Icelandic director.

Iceland is fascinating; really an amazing place to visit, and great for a film to go there.

No offense to Iceland, but Latin America is where the fugitive leaker Edward Snowden should settle.

I first heard the story of Agnes Magnusdottir when I was an exchange student in the north of Iceland.

Playing for Iceland, you always find the stats are against you, so I never pay too much attention to them.

I went to Iceland in 1861 and went over nearly every bit of the ground made famous by the adventures of Grettir.

I'm still blown away by how desolate Iceland can be, how deserted it is. It's very often like living on the moon.

Netflix knew I was going to North Korea and Ethiopia and Iceland. They saw the film and liked it and that was that.

After 'Rock Star,' I was definitely doing more high profile gigs. I was playing in Iceland. I was playing in Canada.

Iceland is a rich country, but in the early 21st century, this prosperity got to our heads, and in 2008, it collapsed.

Most people in Iceland are blonde and blue-eyed. I was nicknamed 'China girl' in school 'cos they thought I looked Asian.

I was a center. I was quite athletic, I could shoot okay and I trained a lot. I played with the national team in Iceland.

Throughout the history of Iceland, men have been lost at sea; every family in Iceland is connected to that kind of story.

The thing about Iceland is that we are trapped there anyway, all of us. We have been trapped there for thousands of years.

I don't know whether it's a Nordic thing, but men in Iceland are very locked-up, very quiet. They hardly ever express emotion.

I still don't know why, exactly, but I do think people can have a spiritual connection to landscape, and I certainly did in Iceland.

I was 13 when I had my first bout of insomnia. My family was in Reykjavik, Iceland, for the summer, and day never really became night.

I love England. It's no coincidence it's the first place I moved to for a more cosmopolitan life, which is the only thing Iceland lacks.

When I prepare, I am not messing around. I find the right places, the right people, and the right environment. Iceland is one of those places.

I like to think that I can run, but I remember once running up and down through different terrains while on set in Iceland, and I face planted.

I can imagine Iceland becoming a good place to run a controversial Web site. But... Iceland may find itself forced to defend controversial speech.

People in Iceland are complete chickens in the cold. You think, "Oh, you must not be cold because you're from Iceland," but we're never in the cold.

Most visitors to Iceland tend to spend just a few hours in Reykjavik before moving on to the geological wonders beyond. I think they are missing out.

In Iceland, the weather is the biggest character you deal with every day. There's nothing more relevant in your life than what kind of weather it is.

I love old industrial imagery and smokestacks belching pollution, maybe because Iceland doesn't have any industry, just mountains and beautiful nature.

When I'm in a place like Iceland, I allow myself to take a little more time to divert off onto other paths creatively for a while and see what comes to me.

I want to work with directors who can tell intimate stories in a way that feels universal and with a big enough scope and depth to travel outside of Iceland.

We shot 'Oblivion' in Iceland; that was amazing. It's so, so beautiful. They didn't have any Waldorf Hotels there, though; we stayed in the middle of nowhere!

Olafur Eliasson is also one of the most visionary artists I've ever met. He is from Denmark and Iceland, and his focus is nothing less than the entire universe.

In Iceland, book lives matter in every sense of that phrase: The shelf-life of the book, the lives in the book, the life of the writer, and the life of the reader.

When I was a teenager in Iceland people would throw rocks and shout abuse at me because they thought I was weird. I never got that in London no matter what I wore.

I think my sweet spot is to make personal films on not-too-big budgets and also make other people's films, bringing productions to Iceland, upping the business here.

Now if I lived in my land, which I do, if I lived in Iceland, if I lived in Greensland I'd still have Chinese children, but out of my ears my little grey baby hears.

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