The ideal of beauty is simplicity and tranquility.

The ideal of beauty is simplicity and tranquility.

The ideal doctor is patient.

My ideal weight is moobless.

The actual well seen is ideal.

Ideals are the world's masters.

We see but in dreams the ideal.

Idealist: a cynic in the making.

My ideal weight is 205, actually.

Our ideals are our better selves.

Everything is ideal to its parent.

The enemy of idealism is zealotry.

To be an ideal guest, stay at home.

I don't believe in one ideal beauty.

Ideal relationship is based on giving.

Genius is talent provided with ideals.

That's my ideal day, time with my boys.

We're a nation of hope, of high ideals.

I don't think or write from big ideals.

Violence is the fear to other's ideals.

Now is the time to lead your ideal life.

Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.

You need contradictions to make an ideal.

The great artist is a slave to his ideals.

A romantic striving for an impossible ideal.

Courage is temperamental, scientific, ideal.

Sprawl is the American ideal way to develop.

James Cagney as a baby is not my ideal thing.

Sting's my ideal man, because he's a real man.

Some people never have anything except ideals.

In our ideals we unwittingly reveal our vices.

A man's ideal woman is the one he couldn't get.

Make the wise man within you your living ideal.

Every dogma has its day, but ideals are eternal.

I have no set ideals for a partner or a husband.

What can I do to become more like my Ideal Image?

Ours is a circle of friendships united by ideals.

The ideal love affair should be conducted by post.

Certainty is an unrealistic and unattainable ideal

Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals.

Repentance is the biggest punishment of ideal man.

Conservatism leads nowhere; it satisfies no ideal.

Everything about my teenage life was almost ideal.

For me, I don't have a loyalty to a set of ideals.

The only true aging is the erosion of one's ideals.

...a man does not die for business, but for ideals.

Great principles, great ideals know no nationality.

Virginity is the ideal of those who want to deflower.

Success as a result of industry is a peasant's ideal.

Happiness is ideal, it is the work of the imagination.

Most of my ideals and stuff really come from my mother.

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