I am a transgender identified person.

I've always identified with the misfits.

I've identified all my life with refugees.

Never have I once identified myself as white.

Simplicity should not be identified with bareness.

I don't want to be identified by any one role I do.

Where conflicts are identified, they will be resolved.

I don't want to be identified with any political party.

I never identified with 'indie,' I don't like that word.

I have identified my weaknesses, and I am working on those.

Well, it's wonderful to be identified strongly with my work.

Then, at some point, you get identified with certain things.

When I began my political career, I identified with Malcolm X.

I've always identified as an actor. That's what I set out to do.

Today I should not be identified with any kind of regressive therapy.

The first band I identified with from Chicago was the Muddy Waters band.

While I am very much Jewish 'identified,' I'm not a very religious person.

I think I was identified as a failed president because I wasn't re-elected.

Myspace was always a bit edgy. People identified it with edginess and music.

I have always, or for the most part, identified myself as a biracial person.

You can easily become boxed in and be only identified with musicals or plays.

I always identified with Frankenstein because as a kid, I never got the girl.

Labels serve a purpose. They help one be identified. And I want to be identified.

It's normally the kiss of death to be identified as a rising star, or someone to watch.

I was very identified with and accused of being a neo-liberal with respect to the economy.

Being identified as a poet in France or Denmark or India one is greeted with gracious respect.

Our great presidents have been stewards, men who broadly identified with the whole of America.

I gave my word that this source would not be identified unless he changed his mind. He has not.

I liked Benitez's sincerity. I identified with him because he is a very direct and honest person.

The problem for all women is we're identified by how we look instead of by our heads and our hearts.

By the time I reached middle school, I fully identified myself not even as biracial but just as black.

It has not escaped us that other competitors have also identified health as an attractive marketplace.

I'm identified as a New York actor, I sound like I'm from New York, and I couldn't be more proud of it.

Paul Newman made eight of my favorite movies. He chose a certain kind of movie I really identified with.

The guy who kind of identified as my dad was my dad's brother, who was the second person my mom married.

Reagan's legacy is so powerful because he identified the state as the central issue in American politics.

Societies need to have one illness which becomes identified with evil, and attaches blame to its victims.

A writer can be identified just through his sigh, as a mouthful of words are flooded out in his single sigh.

Henry Fonda's son: That's how everybody identified me until Easy Rider came along. Good old Captain America.

If, for a moment, it seemed that September 11th could be identified with Iraq, the illusion was short-lived.

People say you get identified with a role, and you get stereotyped, but I haven't found that to be the case.

I really identified with Jess, because my own dream was acting, which isn't the most conventional profession.

I am never going to be manager of Barcelona or Arsenal because I am so identified with Tottenham and Espanyol.

I saw a martyr in the Wolf Man, who is the very moving essence of outsiderness, with which I identified fully.

I have always fought against being gender specific. I just don't like being identified as female: I'm a person.

The fictional character with whom I most profoundly identified was Yossarian in Catch-22. Always did, still do.

Lots of people have criticized my movies, but nobody has ever identified the real problem: I'm a sloppy filmmaker.

The most confounding thing of all is that we still haven't identified the cause of 20% to 30% of adult common colds.

China rightly identified consumer Internet as important and moved to protect it, and we need to do the same in India.

Truthfully, the person with whom I identified most in Heinlein's early works was Rhysling in 'The Green Hills of Earth.'

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