Basically painting is total idiocy.

Your trusting idiocy knows no bounds

Death is the welcome cessation of idiocy.

Hollywood is geared toward teenage idiocy.

Good energy was never meant to be waisted on idiocy.

Perhaps the universe is nothing but an equilibrium of idiocies.

It is not our failures that distress us so much as our idiocies.

If people buy my books for vanity, I consider it a tax on idiocy.

The greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.

The history of music is mortal, but the idiocy of the guitar is eternal.

If the populace knew with what idiocy they were ruled, they would revolt.

Everything is idiocy if you choose to look at it in the proper perspective.

It takes all the time and all the energy we have to conquer the idiocy in us

To be conservative at 20 is heartless and to be a liberal at 60 is plain idiocy.

Idiocy is the female defect ... It is no worse than the male defect, which is lunacy.

War is idiocy. We live on a small, small planet, and what we do to others is what we do to ourselves

War is idiocy. We live on a small, small planet, and what we do to others is what we do to ourselves.

How was I to know idiocy was only a temporary condition, especially in your case? It never has been before!

SpongeBob represents idiocy. He is dumb. Patrick is dumb. Mr. Krabs is greedy. Squidward is a snob and vain.

Liberal idiocy surrounds us all. It threatens to destroy the values and lifestyles that millions of us cherish.

Usually the nonsense liberals spout is kind of cute, but in wartime their instinctive idiocy is life-threatening.

Forget artificial intelligence - in the brave new world of big data, it's artificial idiocy we should be looking out for.

In the larger world, tribalism is an enormous problem, as it ever has been: both strength and idiocy borne from belonging.

Normally, I'm a grumpy old man - whenever I read about celebrity, I start to grind my teeth and pull my hair; it seems synonymous with idiocy.

I have two daughters and I have done everything in my power to prevent them from assimilating, even being aware of, my idiocy about my weight.

I'm more likely to lose my temper on a film set than almost anywhere. Often the level of idiocy is so exalted that it's impossible to comprehend.

It's great to be thought of as the master of anything. Even idiocy. Master of idiocy, Wes Craven. But if it's master of horror or fear or whatever, that's great.

As a transgendered artist, I have always occupied a place outside of the mainstream. I have gladly paid a price for speaking my truth in the face of loathing and idiocy.

Everyone seems to be playing well within the boundaries of his usual rule set. I have yet to hear anyone say something that seemed likely to mitigate the idiocy of this age.

Childhood: the period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth - two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age.

I really can't abide conspiracy theories, because I believe that everything in the world stems from idiocy and incompetence. That's certainly true of most of what's happened in Russia under Putin.

However, the thought hit me that this was a pretty pathetic way to kick the bucket - being accidentally poisoned during a photo shoot, of all things - and I started weeping at the idiocy of it all.

At the time of the Silver Jubilee, I was a grumpy anti-monarchist. I didn't celebrate and was appalled by the celebrations. In my idiocy, I missed out! I feel completely differently now compared with that time.

I feel like if you are going to come to somebody who you don't even know on a worldwide platform, then your idiocy needs to be seen worldwide so it can get smacked down. And that's what just needs to happen with some people.

Undermining life-affirming social solidarities and any viable notion of the public good, right-wing politicians trade in forms of idiocy and superstition that mesmerize the illiterate and render the thoughtful cynical and disengaged.

My job is to write opinions. I decide cases and write opinions. It is not to respond to idiocy and critics who make statements that are unfounded. That doesn't mean that people shouldn't have constructive criticisms, but it should be constructive.

I was a brand new senator in 2013. And the idiocy of Congress was to shut the government down for two weeks in October. And coming out of that, the pressure was put on the budget chair, Paul Ryan's shoulders and Patty Murray. Conservative Wisconsin Republican, progressive Washington Democrat, come up with a budget deal.

Barack Obama's administration responded to the Haitian crisis within 24 hours. Here comes the soldiers, here comes the food, go go go... Rush Limbaugh told his multi-millions of listeners that Obama only did that to gain favour with black people in America. This is the kind of idiocy that I have to deal with in my country.

I like characters who have two different things going on, whether it is Robin from 'Top Of The Lake' having that strength juxtaposed with the vulnerability and being in pain, or whether it is Peggy from 'Mad Men' with her naivety and her sort of idiocy at times, combined with her intelligence and courage really to do what she did at that time.

After all these recent events in Russia - "Crimea is ours!," Donbas, all that - I realized I could get back into the business of forecasting. Until now, I didn't feel up to it. I actually was wrong about one thing: I predicted that Putin would be forced to leave soon, but he's still there. Generally, once again - this time not in seventy years but in a very short time - the President and the Duma have reached the stage of such idiocy that they are constantly taking actions which are not simply pointless but harmful, to Russia itself.

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