To be here is immense.

How immense the high sky is!

An empire is an immense egotism.

The guilt of newborns is immense.

I put myself under immense pressure.

...I am the immense shadow of my tears

Going to the Arctic was immense for me.

Swimming gives me immense satisfaction.

I want leisure to read—an immense amount.

The potential of renewable energy is immense.

I have nothing but immense respect for my peers.

The pressure of an India-Pakistan game is immense.

I have immense faith in God and I am spiritual too.

It's an immense amount of pressure, celebrity itself.

Real Madrid are such an immense team - a big, big club.

We're just one rock surrounded by this immense universe.

I had immense ambition to become a really valuable actress.

It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.

In my view, Indian Railways has immense untapped potential.

When I help people around me. It gives me immense happiness.

I can see the immense capacity of business to give leadership.

It's an immense pride for me to be captain of the national team.

Getting a good education was of immense importance to my parents.

It is wrong to assume that men of immense wealth are always happy.

Time is a beast who has the immense patience to swallow everything.

If you don't have religious fallibilism, you have immense problems.

The difference between working with a man and a woman... is immense.

M'Illumino D'Immenso - I flood myself with the light of the immense.

Truth lies within a little and certain compass, but error is immense.

Lost in the solitude of his immense power, he began to lose direction.

If you get goaltending above the curve, you have an immense advantage.

I have immense respect for Loretta Lynch both personally and professionally.

The psychedelics are this immense tool for the inspection of our own nature.

Motherhood is filled with magical little moments that bring you immense joy.

There are a number of women who have brought about immense change in society.

The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference.

An immense effect may be produced by small powers wisely and steadily directed.

I've been lucky to be part of very good teams and to play with immense players.

In fitness, there are no short cuts. It involves immense discipline and hard work.

Venezuela has immense talents and resources, and we can help rebuild our democracy.

I am a faith healer. My prayers have immense power, which I utilise whenever I can.

The Internet's impact is immense. My students can't imagine ever paying for a book.

The effect of music on fashion has been immense, especially hip-hop and urban music.

There's still an immense amount of discrimination that happens against trans people.

I've written immense love letters that are supposed to be opened over days at a time.

The priest is an immense being because he makes the crowd believe astonishing things.

The immense appetite we have for biography comes from a deep-seated sense of equality.

Love is not always bed of roses. When its unfulfilled, it causes immense pain and anger.

It is, no doubt, an immense advantage to have done nothing, but one should not abuse it.

What am I then, my God? What is my nature? A life varied, multifaceted and truly immense.

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