We are an immigrant nation.

I'm a first generation immigrant.

I'm a proud Cuban-Mexican immigrant.

America was and is the immigrant's dream.

I'm a first-generation Japanese immigrant.

I'm an immigrant. I'm from the Middle East.

Being an immigrant gives you so much courage.

American literature has always been immigrant.

I see myself as a transient, not an immigrant.

In a way, women are a psychic immigrant group.

What any immigrant is after is a taste of home.

As an immigrant, I learned by watching other people.

I'm an immigrant. I came here when I was 3 months old.

I think being an immigrant makes me overly optimistic.

I'm an immigrant and I will stay an immigrant forever.

I'm a gay, undocumented immigrant; I have to be optimistic.

I'm still the community college kid with immigrant parents.

Immigrant communities have been genuinely accepted in London.

Once you are an immigrant, you never forget that you are one.

All American fiction could be classified as immigrant fiction.

I want to present the immigrant community in more of a real light.

I am in favour of the notion of Australia as an immigrant society.

It's a project that touched me as an immigrant and as a New Yorker.

I'm a different immigrant. My life is so lucky compared to so many.

A tiny apartment might hold three generations of an immigrant family.

I know as a nation we are stronger because of our immigrant tradition.

My dad is a Ghanaian immigrant, and he wanted a son who was an engineer.

Especially for Haitian immigrant parents, being a musician is not a job.

Coming from immigrant Italian people, the one thing you do is work hard.

I'm an immigrant and I've always wanted to write something about America.

I'm an immigrant myself. It was a tough road to come to America and work.

My father was an immigrant from Russia and my mother was first generation.

Considering our history, I can think of nothing more American than an immigrant.

America was founded on immigrants. The immigrant experience is common to all of us.

I come from an immigrant family, but I know no other nationality apart from British.

As writers, we don't just need to write about poverty or war or the immigrant experience.

I'm an immigrant - I've got to be in the city: London, Vienna, or Rome, but always a city.

Thus, biologically speaking the American people are literally only half an immigrant people.

My mother is deeply pragmatic by nature. Perhaps you had to be, as an immigrant. You made do.

I was an immigrant. I came here at 12. We were caught behind the Iron Curtain until I was 10.

I grew up in an immigrant household with an Italian father who came to the U.S. when he was 15.

The journey from employee to entrepreneur was a complex and taxing one for an immigrant like me.

If one has problems with immigrant communities in Europe, that should not be used against Turkey.

I hope more cities engage with immigrant entrepreneurs the way St. Louis has - it's a great model.

I'm an immigrant, and I think being an outsider in your home is something that I really relate to.

People want a result. Immigrant voters aren't stupid, and they're going to know who's on their side.

I am an immigrant with a Green Card and, therefore, I am not eligible to vote in a federal election.

I never did very well as an immigrant. I've lived in several countries and been a disaster everywhere.

I don't want to scream 'Immigrant Song' every night for the rest of my life, and I'm not sure I could.

My mother was an immigrant from Lebanon to the United States. She came when she was 18 years old in 1920.

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