While we are under the tyranny of Priests, it will ever be their ...

While we are under the tyranny of Priests, it will ever be their interest, to invalidate the law of nature and reason, in order to establish systems incompatible therewith.

Hubris and science are incompatible.

Religion and slavery are incompatible.

Vagueness and good law are simply incompatible.

Government by blackmail is incompatible with democracy.

Sharia law is completely incompatible with our constitution!

Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness.

Pity and friendship are two passions incompatible with each other.

With Senna, I am not incompatible; I am not incompatible with anyone.

The word 'celebrity' and the word 'architect' are basically incompatible.

Who says a lighthearted approach to business is incompatible with success?

Legal behavior is not incompatible with rational, self-interested behavior.

They're mutually incompatible I feel; being a wise thief and a wise father.

Being in love with a lot of people is incompatible with a stable family life.

Party domination and State leadership are concepts incompatible with one another.

Ah, the intractable Canadian problem: Winter and finery are basically incompatible.

Lukashenko is very much like Trump, because democracy and Trump are incompatible things.

The free sharing and teaching of open source is incompatible with the notion of the solitary genius.

There are a few very small incompatible changes - I really doubt most people will ever run into them.

Freedom and order are not incompatible... truth is strength... free discussion is the very life of truth.

Dictatorship and authentic literature are incompatible... The writer is the natural enemy of dictatorship.

That whole environment was just incompatible with my beliefs and my personality. It was a dark time for me.

The principle of responsibility and collective sanctions is incompatible with the Western concept of justice.

Any suggestion that science and religion are incompatible flies in the face of history, logic, and common sense.

Historical truth and the marketing needs of the movie and television industry remain fundamentally incompatible.

A true world outlook is incompatible with a foreign imperialism, no matter how high-minded the governing country.

A classic is a work which persists as a background noise even when a present that is totally incompatible with it holds sway.

There's no reason to be agnostic about ideas that are dramatically incompatible with everything we know about modern science.

The problem with Islam is that it's a law, not a religion, and it's incompatible with our values, our rights, and our freedoms.

It is evident that the fanatical interpretation of the Koran is incompatible with our values of freedom and with Christian values.

The majority of the world's Muslims do not believe that terrorism is a legitimate strategy or that Islam is incompatible with democracy.

The phenomenon of creativity, we know, is closely related to the ability to yoke together separate, and even seemingly incompatible, matrices.

Multiple personality disorder and possession are not necessarily mutually incompatible disorders. There's some evidence that you can have both.

We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice.

The clearest explanation for the failure of any marriage is that the two people are incompatible; that is, that one is male and the other female.

I am a believer in the evolutionary process, and yet I have sympathy for the friends of mine who are creationists. I don't find the positions incompatible.

In every man the memory of the struggles and the heroes of the past is alive. But these memories are not incompatible with the desire for peace in the future.

It is foolish to view realism and idealism as incompatible or to consider our power and wealth as encumbered by the demands of justice, morality, and conscience.

There is nothing incompatible about laughter and demons, nor about athletic achievement and depression. Mike Flanagan made me laugh, too. But mostly, he made me brave.

Disagreements between incompatible beliefs cannot be settled by reasoned argument because reasoned argument is drummed out of those trained in religion from the cradle.

My mom and dad? Oh, they were a fiery pair. They stayed together for the kids and also because they were hopelessly in love with each other, but they were totally incompatible.

We don't see very far in the future, we are very focused on one idea at a time, one problem at a time, and all these are incompatible with rationality as economic theory assumes it.

The proposition that Muslims are welcome in Britain if, and only if, they stop behaving like Muslims is a doctrine which is incompatible with the principles that guide a free society.

It has now become the doctrine of a large clan of politicians that political honesty is unnecessary, slow, subversive of a man's interests, and incompatible with quick onward movement.

Unfortunately, a certain type of Islam ghettoizes itself and is incompatible with our society. And it amazes me that some within the Catholic hierarchy act as if they do not understand.

Many are outspoken about the climate crisis, but conveniently ignore the fact that support for fossil fuels is not just incompatible with curbing emissions but dangerously counterproductive.

Tribal life comes automatically to an end when a primitive people begins to live in a town or a city, for sooner or later a tribal organization is found to be incompatible with life in a city.

From my experience both as DPP and previously as a human rights lawyer, I know that human rights and effective protection from terrorism are not incompatible. On the contrary, they go hand in hand.

I feel that there's a lot of would-be guardians of the culture who think that high-minded literary purpose and the life that gets chronicled in the gossip columns, that these two things are incompatible.

When people understand that they are constantly monitored, they are more conformist - they are less willing to take up controversial positions - and that kind of mass conformity is incompatible with democracy.

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