Inflation is repudiation.

I am not against a little inflation.

Inflation is the senility of democracies.

Inflation is taxation without legislation.

Production is the only answer to inflation.

Inflation is the crabgrass in your savings.

I oppose indexing gas tax hikes to inflation.

I'm against using Petrobras to combat inflation.

Quantitative easing prints money & causes inflation.

Continued inflation inevitably leads to catastrophe.

Domestic inflation reflects domestic monetary policy.

Nothing so weakens government as persistent inflation.

Pay in the acting world hasn't kept up with inflation.

The higher interest and higher inflation is a vicious cycle.

Inflation in Russia is primarily related to internal factors.

There is no such thing as a riskless hedge against inflation.

I feel very uncomfortable with respect to looking at inflation.

Foreign trade clearly has been a reason why inflation has been low.

Inflation makes the wealthiest people richer and the masses poorer.

Things there are no solution to: Inflation, bureaucracy & dandruff.

Let's turn inflation over to the Post Office. That'll slow it down.

Deflation isn't good, and inflation is easier to cure than deflation.

The Debasement of World Currency:It Is Inflation, But Not As We Know It

There are two main drivers of asset class returns - inflation and growth.

The best measure of inflation is what is happening with commodity prices.

Inflation outstripped real wages for people who work for pay from others.

People concerned about inflation today tend to buy big houses and nice cars.

Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.

Inflation could be a very - is a likely consequence out of what's going on now.

Rampant inflation is just as hard to live with as the devaluation of commodities.

Inflation is a monetary phenomenon. It is made by or stopped by the central bank.

Inflation is like toothpaste. Once it's out, you can hardly get it back in again.

It is important to recognise near- and medium-term risks to the inflation outlook.

If inflation is the genie, then deflation is the ogre that must be fought decisively.

What we call "willing" is often but an inflation of ourselves, attended by a hardening.

Republicans don't seem to mind taking inflation into account when the subject is tax rates.

If we have wealth, it will be protected from inflation and possibly even enhanced in value.

Inflation, being a fraudulent invasion of property, could not take place on the free market.

Inflation is lower and more stable and the real business cycle fluctuations are more modest.

It's a challenge for monetary policy to communicate that our inflation objective is 2 percent.

There's one thing that the Fed has been really good at cracking down on, and that's inflation.

During the past two decades, inflation has fallen to a low level in major industrial countries.

The issue is, you're not going to have a lot of inflation showing up when you have no velocity.

You can't continue to have higher education tuition grow at a multiple of the rate of inflation.

It was the biggest inflation and the most sustained inflation that the United States had ever had.

Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.

Americans have seen the value of the dollar slowly decline due to the steady erosion of inflation.

It was the biggest inflation and the most sustained inflation that the United States had ever had.

The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.

The real problem is deflation. That is the opposite of inflation but equally serious to the borrower.

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