Famous men have the whole earth as their memorial.

Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

A team effort is a lot of people doing what I say.

I am not an optimist, but a great believer of hope.

One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well.

Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.

Life doesn't have to be hard, life is on your side.

Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.

Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.

A warrior takes every opportunity to teach himself.

A man should never neglect his family for business.

You can never lose what you have offered to Christ.

Praise Allah, for by praise His blessings multiply.

Every man contemplates an angel in his future self.

Love yourself first and everything falls into line.

Money will come when you are doing the right thing.

Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.

This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.

The primary purpose of life is in being in the NOW.

For what one has to learn to do, we learn by doing.

Worry is an unhealthy and destructive mental habit.

What you put out is already on its way back to you.

The greatest teacher is just going out and playing.

I'm not going to miss 95% of life to weigh 5% less.

Great ideas come into the world as gently as doves.

Leave it all in the Hands that were wounded for you

I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.

The way we do one thing is the way we do everything.

Love does not rule; but it trains, and that is more.

Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.

Real painters understand with a brush in their hand.

May Allah bless the man who says less and does more.

As long as I can remember, I've always loved people.

Mournful and yet grand is the destiny of the artist.

How can you know God if you don't know your big toe?

I know the Bible is inspired because it inspires me.

The only love affair I have ever had was with music.

I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else.

Meeting President Obama was amazing. Very inspiring.

Fashion is killing women's body image of themselves.

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.

The more he gave away, the more delighted he became.

Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge.

Fast is only cool if it's melodic and has substance.

Dreams come a size too big so we can grow into them.

To think is not enough, you must think of something.

The hard part about writing a novel is finishing it.

Don't forget your own self while preaching to others.

I am not a victim of emotional conflicts. I am human.

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