A penny saved is a penny earned.

The phoenix must burn to emerge.

The best things in life are free

I chase after inspiring stories.

'Star Trek' was inspiring to me.

Fortune and love favor the brave.

Through discipline comes freedom.

Never confuse motion with action.

What regresses, never progresses.

What gets measured gets improved.

Having students was so inspiring.

After enlightenment, the laundry.

Don't live life in the past lane.

True individuality can be lonely.

Art is eternal, but life is short.

Your silence will not protect you.

So few grow, because so few study.

Gratitude is the great multiplier.

Be amazing. Be everywhere. Be real

To be everywhere is to be nowhere.

Be dignified, honest and truthful.

Casting is 65 percent of directing.

I don't digest things with my mind.

Things must be felt with the heart.

Never let a good crisis go to waste

A new heart for a New Year, always!

Money cannot help lifting its head.

It takes two flints to make a fire.

Never live beneath your privileges.

I will offer a choice, not an echo.

Friends accept you the way you are.

Our own life has to be our message.

Being on the road is very inspiring.

Hollywood is a very inspiring place.

If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

I did my best, and God did the rest.

All of life is a constant education.

The Yankees have twenty-five heroes.

Quitting is the easiest thing to do.

Never have a ceiling on your income.

Man is a genius when he is dreaming.

The first draft of anything is sh*t.

It takes a habit to replace a habit.

We are the women men warned us about.

I can be a better me than anyone can.

Greece is so beautiful and inspiring.

Thank God I found the GOOD in goodbye

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

I think, therefore I am ... not here.

Travel far enough, you meet yourself.

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