I've had an interesting life.

I've lived an interesting life.

I have an interesting life, and I'm strong.

I have had quite the grand, interesting life.

Why not - is a slogan for an interesting life.

Mistakes are the price of an interesting life.

I live a much more interesting life in other people's minds.

You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes.

Science would lead you to a more interesting life than something else.

Some things can be quite stupid yet interesting. Life can be like that.

Trying to lead an interesting life, a fruitful life, is a big challenge.

I have had enough of an interesting life to not embellish it in any way.

I promised myself a long time ago that I would lead an interesting life.

I promised her an interesting life and good food, and the rest is history.

It's been an interesting life. I feel like I'm 40 years old at the age of 16.

I was brought up to believe you should always live the most interesting life you can.

Everyone's had an interesting life. Unless they're interested in business or something.

Live an interesting life. Meet people. Read a lot and widely, learn from the great writers

An interesting life could always use a little seduction, confidence, ambition, and danger.

Live an interesting life. Meet people. Read a lot and widely, learn from the great writers.

Don't worry about writing a book or getting famous or making money. Just lead an interesting life.

If you're willing to take risks, Twitter is a vast amusement park of interesting life possibilities.

I don't stress myself about my looks. I love to laugh. I like being able to lead an interesting life.

I think I've had an interesting life. I've done films, TV, theatre and got married. I don't have any regrets.

I was so intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn't living an interesting life myself.

The more we listen to ourselves and make positive changes based on what we discover, the more interesting life becomes.

From early morning to late at night, it's such an interesting life, and I'm healthy and free, and that's not so easy with a family.

Even with limited success as an actor, you usually have a more interesting life than in many other professions, so it's not an unreasonable choice.

I have had quite an interesting life. My husband was quite successful in the movies, and we went out frequently with Gloria Swanson and other stars.

I don't see myself as having had an exceptional life. Yeah sure, I've had an interesting life, but I'm more interested in what's not exceptional about it.

I don't cook, and I don't care to, but Gabrielle Hamilton made me realize that food is about love and connection. And she has had a hell of an interesting life.

Boxing life is very interesting life; it opened many doors for me around the world, but now I am ready to invest my energy and my experience and my power for the future.

I feel I have had a very interesting life, but I am rather hoping there is still more to come. I still haven't captained the England cricket team, or sung at Carnegie Hall!

In Hollywood, people tend to have the same sensibilities, the same taste and values, and I didn't want to spend my life that way. I wanted to have a bigger, more interesting life.

It is intensely frustrating. The longer you live, the more interesting life gets, and yet many of the parts involve carrying trays and putting lamb chops down in front of the leading man.

I don't think I've had a very interesting life, and I feel that is a great liberation. That gives me great freedom as a fiction writer. Nothing that happened holds any special tyranny over me.

If you're somebody that gets a chance to go somewhere... that has to work somewhere or go to another city, then do your best to see it. Because I just think that's the best way to have an interesting life.

I think real life reflects your movies. In your life, you pick stuff that influences what movie roles you wanna pick. I think if you've got an interesting life, you wanna do interesting movies about interesting things.

You can have an interesting story about a person living an interesting life. And if it's done well, that is just as engaging as the end of the world. A million people dying - we can't process. One person, we can process.

I don't like memoirs. I think they're self-serving, and people use them to settle scores, and I really tried not to do that. You have to have a really interesting life to justify memoir, and my life has been pretty ho-hum.

Why does it have to be politics? Is there a dynamism to that world and a theoretical capacity to do things that draws many talented people? Absolutely. Are there other ways to be involved and lead an interesting life? Of course.

I often think to myself, at the end of an interesting life it's maybe not such a bad thing to spend your last days with your friends sitting by the blue, blue ocean reliving the story of your life while sitting in the dangerous sun.

Despite some of the stories that have gone around, I've never had a big, flouncey strop about how much I'm paid. Considering I have a pretty interesting life out of making telly, I'm really paid quite well for it. So I'm not complaining.

A career path is rarely a path at all. A more interesting life is usual a more crooked, winding path of missteps, luck and vigorous work. It is almost always a clumsy balance between the things you try to make happen and the things that happen to you.

The most important thing is to live an interesting life. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open. Talk to people and visit interesting places, and don't forget to ask questions. To be a writer you need to drink in the world around you so it's always there in your head.

You live in an apartment in New York, and you think all the time about like, 'I don't even know who's living above me.' There are all these anonymous people in that window or that window or that window, and everybody has their own interesting life that I know nothing about.

Selling Atari when I did - I think that's my biggest regret. And I probably should have gotten back heavily into the games business in the late Eighties. But I was operating under this theory at the time that the way to have an interesting life was to reinvent yourself every five or six years.

I really would like to be involved in things and to understand things, and in some ways you've got to be careful what you wish for because I feel very, very blessed to have such an interesting life and to be able to have little snapshots of lives of people from many different parts of the world.

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