You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our ...

You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them - that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow.

I'm an actor and my job is to interpret.

Our role as judges is to interpret the law.

Judges should interpret the law, not make it.

I love it when people want to interpret my books.

Only an artist can interpret the meaning of life.

An actor cannot be a censor. I'm there to interpret.

There are many ways to see football and interpret it.

I get the lyrics of a tune and interpret them my way.

I do love to interpret songs in American Sign Language.

We must interpret a bad temper as a sign of inferiority.

I tend to resist invitations to interpret my own fiction.

I like to go into a space, listen, absorb, and then interpret.

How people interpret my degrees of sexiness is out of my hands.

And I like to interpret music. So I think it's all interpretive.

A lot of my music has ambiguity and room for people to interpret.

I have faith in an audience being able to interpret complex material.

The mouse genome is an invaluable tool to interpret the human genome.

Our ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature.

Everything is beautiful, all that matters is to be able to interpret.

As an artist, I can't be responsible for how people interpret material.

How most consumers collect and interpret health information has changed.

Courts should interpret the law but leave elected lawmakers to create it.

A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law.

When I write the songs, I don't dictate how people should interpret them.

It's better for the listener to interpret their own meanings to the music.

I've always been so surprised by how people interpret my photos in context.

Life is so short. I would rather sing one song than interpret the thousand.

If art has a purpose, it is to interpret life, reproduce it in fresh visions.

The author may not interpret. But he must tell why and how he wrote his book.

When someone is trying to interpret something for you, they always have an agenda.

No one may speak for the dead, no one may interpret their mutilated dreams and visions.

I guess, as a director, you sort of take the script, and you find ways to interpret it.

It is possible to interpret without observing, but not to observe without interpreting.

The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job to interpret law.

Our friends interpret the world and ourselves to us, if we take them tenderly and truly.

I learned to interpret the ancient pictograph codices and read Nahuatl, the Aztec language.

We not only interpret the character of events... we may also interpret our interpretations.

People write music, and the music is out there for people to interpret it how they want to.

You have to be respectful of pop culture, because people interpret it in the way they want.

I've read 'Autobiography of a Yogi' at different ages and interpret something new each time.

I try not to interpret things of the world into a single meaning. Rather, I try the opposite.

Copy nature and you infringe on the work of our Lord. Interpret nature and you are an artist.

My emotions lose their force when I endeavor to interpret them, and my words seem very inept.

I'm responsible for what I say, but I'm not responsible about how people interpret my situation.

I understand football through the ball. There are others who interpret the game without the ball.

For me, the conductor is a person who interprets along with me, and we interpret things together.

Perhaps the mission of an artist is to interpret beauty to people - the beauty within themselves.

History is what we bring to it, not just the events themselves, but how we interpret those events.

In some ways, it's more rewarding to hear someone interpret a piece of music that you're a part of.

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