I don't like labels.

Good art should be polarizing.

I thought I was a superstar at 12.

I'm a walking political statement.

A little makeover never hurt nobody.

I'm really proud of 'Kissing Strangers.'

I'm so grateful for my endless delusion.

I'm not famous. I work with famous people.

This is the dream: to make money off of what you love.

My fashion is inspired by Tina Turner and Sharon Stone.

My artist career failed pretty miserably multiple times.

I'm using the success I've had to help other people shine.

We really like L.A. because it really likes rock and roll.

Most of my friends are my friends because they inspire me.

A man in high heels is the most dangerous thing in the world.

My choice of shoe upsets people a lot more than my filthy mouth.

I really want queer kids to know that our experience is universal.

I love songs, Patty Larkin, Sharon Stone, Mae West, and Marilyn Monroe.

I just want to make music that people hear, and I'm not ashamed of that.

The bullying was so bad that I got to go to the arts high school instead.

The Knife can't stop cloaking brilliant pop songs in voodoo jam blankets.

Beyonce, Stevie Nicks, Ani DiFranco, Cardi B - Women tell awesome stories.

I like to make glamorously informed songs for glamorously intelligent people.

All songwriters are known as 'topliners' because the vocal goes on top of the track.

I am a genderless sea creature who has been writing and studying music since I was 12.

I just didn't really relate to Kurt Cobain. There was nothing very glamorous about him.

For the most part, it's straight white men running these labels and publishing companies.

If a song is being written for a woman, there should be a woman in the room collaborating.

Truly saying sorry is never easy to do, and when you are, you just hope it's not too late.

I wouldn't want to write a song in a pair of sneakers. I think it would be a horrible song.

Pop just means popular - it can be any genre, and if it becomes popular, then it's pop music.

In some ways, it's more rewarding to hear someone interpret a piece of music that you're a part of.

In the band Semi-Precious Weapons, I got to sing, wear, and say exactly what I wanted for ten years.

I know that it's my queer perspective that's helping people make songs that the world is listening to.

For me, as a performer or a songwriter, Stevie Nicks is always a huge inspiration as well as Iggy Pop.

It's interesting to see the more femme that you present yourself, the more people sort of dehumanize you.

Before anything else, my favorite thing as a fan of music was to make up my own story as to what it means.

The only thing that's serious to me about music is making sure marginalized people are included in the story.

'World Is Our Playground' is a big room banger that makes you wanna check into a hostel and call Mike Taylor.

I was borderline deluded to think something as outrageous as Semi Precious Weapons could have been mainstream.

I won't do press anymore unless I can talk about the homophobia and let queer people know our ideas are mainstream.

The larger streaming grows, the less money there will be to get the music out there, which, to me, is the sad part.

Under-sung vocals can be very sexy because of the intimacy, but they can be just as heartbreaking for the same reason.

Even though L.A. can be kind of tacky, when a city's big draws are The Roxy and the Viper Room, you know its pretty amazing.

I was very lucky that my family really supported me in exploring my femininity when I was young, and so it was a joyous thing.

My mom has a big ol' crush on Arne Duncan, so I hear about and see pics of him all the time. I think he could look great in heels!

When you are born gay, you are born into a rich culture of politics, music, and art, but you are also a minority in your own home.

Being a songwriter, you are accepting that this isn't about you. If you do want it to be about you, you're going to be really miserable.

When I saw Courtney Love in 1994, I knew what I wanted to do. The minute I saw a female-fronted rock n' roll band, that changed my life.

My goal is that my makeup and style will inspire Midwestern housewives. I want there to be a breakdown of 'Justin's smoky eye' in Cosmo.

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