The Isaac Chilemba fight was draining.

One shot. That was all you got. - Isaac

Working in Isaac's universe was more of a treat than a challenge.

When I first had Isaac, I only owned a mattress. Now I have a show?

Take a picture of this so Isaac can see it when they invent robot eyes.

For Black Music Month, I would definitely want to celebrate Isaac Hayes.

I enjoyed reading all the classic authors like Isaac Asimov and Bradbury.

The other one I did was "I, Robot." I take apart Isaac Asimov's Robots world.

The other one I did was 'I, Robot.' I take apart Isaac Asimov's Robots world.

[ Rabbi Shlomo ben Isaac] was the greatest commentator [of the Bible] we ever had.

Isaac Asimov is, in reality, based on something I had invented a few years previously.

Isaac Singer was born in Poland and doesn't write in English. Still, he's an American.

No country has ever fallen while it was truly honoring the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Great was the name of Abraham, but all his Sons were not accepted; only Isaac was in the Covenant.

Isaac and I are going to Israel to ride for peace enviromental justice and a safer world for us all.

In my field, you can't really wear the same dress twice unless you want Isaac Mizrahi to scorn you on TV.

Isaac Hayes told me once, 'There's no such thing as old-school. Either you went to school or you didn't.'

Whenever someone wonders how I could have written 57 books, I remind them that Isaac Asimov wrote 500 books.

I grew up reading Stephen King, Peter Straub, Clive Barker, Robert McCammon, Isaac Asimov's nonfiction books, and Roald Dahl.

American foreign policy and military might have opened an opportunity for the Gospel in the land of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I feel I am an aristocrat in my field of endeavor. My being part of 'Bonanza' was like Isaac Stern sitting in with Lawrence Welk.

Isaac Singer always wrote in Yiddish. He was so unsure of his English at the beginning that he was easy to edit and he learned fast.

I did a film called 'Nightfall,' based on Isaac Asimov life, which was directed by an American director. However it was a short film.

An actor is supposed to be a sensitive instrument. Isaac Stern takes good care of his violin. What if everybody jumped on his violin?

All of my scenes were with Jason Isaacs. I could definitely see myself going on an adventure with him, and learning as an actor from him.

Even the poorest in Israel are looked upon as freemen who have lost their possessions, for they are the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Isaac Smith sounded like Curtis Fuller, Corey Hogan sounded like Sonny Rollins, Terrace Martin sounded like Jackie McLean. Already, at 13, 14, 15 years old.

Leon Trotsky, Stalin's worst enemy, was far and away his most influential 20th-century interpreter, shaping the views of a generation of historians, from Isaac Deutscher onward.

That's what's so great about my job. I get paid to do what got me in trouble in grade school space out and play with my imaginary friends. In terms of Isaac, when the time's right.

Could we have entered into the mind of Sir Isaac Newton, and have traced all the steps by which he produced his great works, we might see nothing very extraordinary in the process.

Even when she was alive, Esther Kreitman's novels, short stories and translations received far less attention than the work of her famous brothers, I. J. and Isaac Bashevis Singer.

My parents were really into music. They would play the Funkadelics, Parliament, OutKast; they would just play that all around the house. They'd also play Isaac Hayes, Marvin Gaye, James Brown.

I really had a great time working with 'Modest Mouse,' just because of the people. I loved writing songs with Isaac Brock, and Jeremiah Green is probably my favorite musician that I've worked with.

I've read everything that Isaac Asimov ever wrote, for a start. I'm massively into my fantasy genre, anything by R.A. Salvatore or David Gemmell. I've read every single book those writers have written.

I've always been fascinated by real scientists - Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and so many others - how they've come up with solutions to very complicated problems that nobody else can seem to figure out.

There is no need to worry about mere size. We do not necessarily respect a fat man more than a thin man. Sir Isaac Newton was very much smaller than a hippopotamus, but we do not on that account value him less.

I knew Berlin would have to become a kind of character in my new book, 'In the Garden of Beasts'. I had felt likewise about Chicago when I wrote 'The Devil in the White City' and Galveston with 'Isaac's Storm'.

In his enigmatic and cunning story 'The Crown of Feathers,' Isaac Bashevis Singer refuses to produce uncontradictory evidence of God's will but rather mixes all signals, jams the evidence, stalls every conclusion.

There's always a host of voices you're inspired by. I love Don DeLillo, and I love Isaac Bashevis Singer, and I love Beckett, and I love Pinter. He's one of the funniest voices in English literature since Dickens.

Governor Isaac Stevens of the Washington Territory said there were a great many white people in our country, and many more would come; that he wanted the land marked out so that the Indians and the white man could be separated.

Isaac Cline was a creature of his times. He embodied the hubris of his times and, in many ways, was a victim of the storm, not just in material ways - loss of a family member and damage to the town - but also in metaphoric terms.

Time is our ultimate scarcity. Isaac Newton can give us more electricity, but he can't give us more than 24 hours of the day of time. And so we're constantly having to sacrifice alternate activities to get the one that pleases us most.

On one trip to the south of France, when I was just pregnant with Isaac, I got a horrendous stomach upset and the whole holiday was a washout. I had to go and have blood tests and my poor other half had to look after Lola because I was so ill.

For bedtime reading, I usually curl up with a good monograph on quantum physics or string theory, my specialty. But since I was a child, I have been fascinated by science fiction. My all-time favorite is 'The Foundation Trilogy,' by Isaac Asimov.

I am honorary President of the American Humanist Society, having succeeded the late, great science fiction writer Isaac Asimov in that utterly functionless capacity. We Humanists behave as well as we can, without any rewards or punishments in an Afterlife.

There were four major 20th-century science fiction writers: Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein and Ray Bradbury. Of those four, the first three were all published principally in science-fiction magazines. They were preaching to the converted.

All the time I was writing hit songs with my partner David Porter, I always had the yen to perform. Sure did. And when the opportunity came, I took it. The first album, 'Presenting Isaac Hayes,' didn't do so hot, but it was like a prelude for what was to come.

The split between religion and science is relatively new. Isaac Newton, who first worked out the laws by which gravity held the planets and even the stars in their traces, was sufficiently impressed by the scale and regularity of the universe to ascribe it all to God.

Sir Isaac Newton gave the extraterrestrials their biggest shot in the arm when he embraced the infinite universe as the basis for his hugely influential system of physics. Even so, the aliens of the early modern period remained creatures of philosophy rather than science.

An Isaac Mizrahi fashion-show ticket signed by Steven Meisel. I rushed up to Meisel at the end of the show and asked him to autograph the card that had his name and seating assignment on it. It was an incredible moment when he shot the autumn/winter 2014 Moschino campaign.

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