Jackie Chan is a myth.

Jackie?" "It wasn't your fault.

Jackie Robinson is a true legend.

Jackie Chan is like a big bro to me.

When I was a kid, I loved Jackie Chan.

I was a huge Jackie Chan fan growing up.

How could you get angry with Jackie Gleason?

I've not done the Jackie Chan kind of stunts.

Sadly, the immortal Jackie Milburn died recently

I lived the stuff that Jackie Collins writes about.

Jackie Chan is the best storyteller on this planet.

Mine was an easy ride compared to Jackie Robinson's.

I see similarities between Jackie Robinson and myself.

I have played father to Jackie Shroff and Rishi Kapoor.

Anyone can be a Superman, but nobody can be Jackie Chan.

Every time I look at my pocketbook, I see Jackie Robinson.

In my opinion, Jackie is the greatest female athlete ever.

When I was on the playground, people were calling me Jackie Chan.

I read every biography [of Jackie Kennedy] I could get my hands on.

I have nothing but all the respect in the world for Jackie Robinson.

I loved Jackie Chan growing up, watching mostly his Hong Kong film work.

Jackie considered his resurrection, the world's best return performance.

The path was not easier for Jackie Robinson simply because he embraced God.

When I was a young kid I loved Don Rickles, Buddy Hackett and Jackie Vernon.

I'd much rather see Richard Pryor or Jackie Mason in a theater than in a club.

Don't try to be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Study computers instead.

Not because I'm trying to be fabulous, but I love those big crazy Jackie O shades.

I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan.

I was carrying Jackie Stewart's bag! Formula One was pretty much the same back then.

I look at amazing fashion icons like Jackie O, and I'm like, Why can't I wear gloves?

God bless Jackie Briskey for hiring me back then when I had no idea what I was doing.

I am a huge fan of Jackie Chan and I have seen the 'Police Story' series so many times.

My father was, like, the token bad white guy in all the old Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee films.

I was one of the first people to learn that Jackie was going to marry Aristotle Onassis.

When I went to Brooklyn in 1948 Jackie Robinson was at the height of his brilliant career.

Before I did 'Rush Hour,' I was a big fan of Jackie Chan movies and I had seen all of them.

From my childhood, I have watched a lot of action films, and I am a big fan of Jackie Chan.

My first concert makes me sound like a real old man. My very first concert was Jackie Wilson.

We had a love-hate relationship. Jackie knew exactly what she could get out of one of my photos.

I did the Ed Sullivan show four times. I did the Steve Allen show. I did the Jackie Gleason show.

There were three great child singing stars: Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Jackie Washington.

I certainly look at them very differently now, and enjoy Jackie Chan movies and movies like that.

I have two sons in America, and all they care about in Chinese culture is Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

I love 'Enter the Dragon,' and I love Japanese movies. I love Jackie Chan movies; they are my heroes.

What's there in a name! Some people call me Jai, while others call me Jaggu, Kishan, Jackie, or Bhidu.

I liked Jackie as an individual. I felt bad about how he was treated. He's a better man than me by far.

Being offered the role in the Jackie Chan film was amazing. I got to do a fight scene with Jackie Chan.

I just finished a Jackie Chan movie, yes. That was an experience. I can mark that off on my bucket list.

I have deep respect for Rep. Jackie Speier and all that she has done to open doors for women everywhere.

As much as I liked and admired the various members of the Kennedy family, my first loyalty was to Jackie.

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