My father's from Jamaica.

My family were from Jamaica.

I live between Jamaica and Paris.

I wanted a fake wedding in Jamaica.

Being in Jamaica, I feel comfortable there.

In the abundance of water - the fool is thirsty

I want to tell Jamaica, Happy 50th Anniversary.

My relationship with everyone in Jamaica is good.

I knew that Jamaica Inn was going to make me a star.

My parents are from Jamaica, and I love reggae music.

Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality.

Jamaica actually had a pretty big influence on my life.

Jamaica is an island that is filled with so much culture.

Bob's whole life is about Africa. It is not about Jamaica.

Doing business in Jamaica is not easy, but it is rewarding.

Out of all the places in the world, Jamaica is my favorite place.

Twenty or 30 years from now, I'm going to be on a beach in Jamaica.

Jamaica has problems; America has problems; everywhere has problems.

Don't you complicate your mind Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy.

In France, I am just Madame Campbell. In Jamaica, nobody uses my title.

Jamaica full of ghetto, but boy, I tell you: me never see it like that.

It is good to make my comeback in Jamaica after not playing for so long.

My dad is a great cricket fan, and I used to play a bit back in Jamaica.

Last time I was in Jamaica I financed a teacher to teach in an orphanage.

I can't really live outside Jamaica. I can be away, but only for a while.

I never did feel any pressure in Jamaica. You just someone, not nobody big.

I'm the national champion of Jamaica now, I go into the Olympics like this.

I went to Jamaica for six months, and in Jamaica there was a lot of stillness.

I wanted a picture of Jamaica that isn't in books, and certainly not in novels.

The music that I represent and helped to create and establish was born in Jamaica.

My earliest memory of dancing is that I won a dance contest in Jamaica when I was 6.

I was actually born in deep rural Jamaica and came to Kingston as a high school girl.

I grew up in a middle-class family in Jamaica, I had no self-worth issues whatsoever.

I would be lying if I didn't say that the most inspirational place for me is Jamaica.

I have an uncle in Jamaica who's an OG producer/songwriter over there, Mikey Bennett.

I think Jamaica would thrive if we promote agriculture as a way to bring people here.

I mean, Manhattan is cool. But weird parts, I like that. Jamaica, Queens, that's great.

I grew up with coconuts as the main flavor in food in Jamaica. It's part of our culture.

I want to go to Jamaica, actually. My whole family's from there, so I'd like to go there.

I was brought up in Jamaica when people had to occupy themselves and entertain each other.

My timing’s a little off. But I’m about to get hotter than Jamaica in the middle of August.

I'm not an American, Do they count the votes in America? I haven't voted in Jamaica either.

In Jamaica, you learn as a child how to roll a joint. Everyone here has tried it. I did too

My parents immigrated to this country from Jamaica with no more than a fifth-grade education.

Jamaica is so musical, diverse and so extreme, from people singing in the streets to dancing.

Jamaica has a lot of foods that give you energy and strength, as well as being very nice to eat.

Jamaica has the best coffee, the best sugar, the best ginger and some of the best cocoa in the world.

In Jamaica, we eradicated polio many years ago, but there are a lot of kids suffering in Africa still.

Jamaica is kind of similar to Miami, but to go from there to Miami, and then Miami to L.A., it's crazy.

My wife is from Jamaica. My ex-wife. My stepchildren - and then there's my son. So, it's a biracial family.

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